有些英文單字的中意思都差不多,但是在不同的情境中就是要用某個單字才精確,所以單字的深層意義就很重要了。以下的 10 組名詞單字,大家是否曾經想過他們的不同呢?
1. End & Finish
End: (故事、電影等的)結局,(一段時間的)盡頭;最後部分
例句:I need your answer by the end of the day.
Finish: 結束;(比賽等的)最後階段
例句:I was watching the race but I didn't get to see the finish.
2. Date & Day
Date: 日期
例句:What's today's date?
Day: 一天,星期幾
例句:They stayed home all day today.
EBS 小提醒:
如果有人問 What's today's date? 要回答明確的月、日。
但是若有人問 What day is it today ? 就要回答星期幾喔!
3. Fate & Fortune
Fate : 命運;宿命 ( 上天已經安排好,人力無法改變的 )
例句:Do you believe our lives are controlled by fate?
Fortune : 命運 ; 運勢 ( 某人未來可能會發生的事情 )
例句:He always blamed his bad fortune on others.
4. Character & Personality
Character : 品格;性格(多為後天養成的)
例句:He has a changeable character.
Personality : 人格,個性 (多為天生的)
例句:She has a down-to-earth personality.
5. Break & Rest
Break : 暫停;休息 ( 活動中斷或暫停)
例句:There is a ten - minute break between the classes.
Rest : 休息;休養 (藉由完全不做事,或睡覺等方式)
例句: Let ' s take a rest .
6. Appointment & Date
Appointment (與專業人士的) 約會,(會面的)約定
例句:I have a dental appointment this afternoon.
Date (情侶間的)約會
例句:I have a date with Mary tonight.
7. Bathroom & Restroom
Bathroom (常指家用的)浴室、衛浴設備
例句:This house has two bathrooms.
Restroom 公廁、化妝室
例句:Public restrooms are not always clean.
8. Chat & Conversation
Chat : 閒談;閒聊
例句:Why don't you give me a call and we'll have a chat?
Conversation : 交談;會話(兩人以上彼此討論問題,交換想法訊息等)
例句:Our conversation lasted for over an hour.
中文習慣把 [ 聊天 ] 當動詞使用,但是英文常把 [ 聊天 ] 當名詞使用。
9. Problem & Question
Problem: ( 需要有明確解決方式的 ) 問題
例句:She was older than me, but that wasn't a problem.
Question : ( 單純對事物有疑問而提出的) 問題
例句:They asked me quite a lot of difficult questions about my job.
解決問題是 solve the problem ,回答問題是 answer the question 。
如果你上台報告完,要問聽眾有沒有問題,就必須說 [ Does anyone have any questions? ],如果是使用中文翻譯去思考這個句子,很可能會說出 [ Does anyone have any problems? ] 而鬧出笑話了!
10. Article & Composition
Article : ( 泛指非小說類的) 文章
例句:There was an interesting article in the newspaper.
Composition: ( 學校作業的) 短篇寫作練習,作文
例句:There are many spelling mistakes in your compositions .
看完了以上10組單字,大家是否有比較清楚他們的不同呢?若是還是覺得有混淆的感覺,建議大家可以查閱英英字典,並多讀字典中所舉的例句。有時我為了清楚了解一個單字的用法,會去翻閱二、三本的不同的英文字典呢! 只要多閱讀,漸漸地就可以培養出更精確的英語語感喔。