目前分類:職場篇 (31)
- May 16 Sat 2015 13:07
【 分享】履歷表 的 千萬不可!
- May 01 Fri 2015 13:09
大學畢業季! 聰明的你做好了進入職場的準備嗎?
學員Richard,來到中心是經由EBS學員 Cindy 的介紹。在外交官特考的補習班上,Cindy(就職於外貿協會)看到 Richard 每每抱著一本艱深的字彙書死背、認真背、卯起來背。Cindy看到這麽認真的同學,心中十分不忍,知道有更 smart 的學習方法,就與 Richard 分享、介紹他來到EBS 做諮詢並成為我們的1對1課程的學員。Richard當時就讀於台北某知名大學的德文系四年級。外交官不論外派到哪一個國家,英語依舊是國際溝通的語言,Richard若在英文項目拿到高分,上榜的機率增高許多。在與Richard溝通之後,1對1課程的需求及規劃為將Richard當成外交官,做方方面面 批判性思考 - critical thinking 的訓練。 Richard提到自己在大三時有機會到美國做了八個月的交換學生。也在那個時候,他意識到他是没有一技之長的!回台之後,Richard也進入到大學最後一年的關鍵時刻。Richard是個聰明的男孩,在計算過自己上榜的機率,報考了外交官特考之後,他日日夜夜、競競業業的準備,並提到自美國回台灣後,每天若睡超過7個小時,他就會有罪惡感,其它的時間都在做進入職場的準備。
Leo正在服替代役,預計今年7月退伍。著名國立大學工程研究生畢業的Leo,目標是到中國市場從事商務性質的工作,磨練自己。如同在台灣的高材生,Leo靠自己準備就預計今年5月要考TOEIC 900分以上。預知有機會與來自新加坡、香港的同事共事,農歷過年前就在尋找可以迅速加強英語溝通能力的方法。年後Leo馬上就開始他在EBS的1對1 課程。在實際應用方面,依Leo的目標以情境式學習及現場演練,加上針對他口語發音上的矯正和調整。課程規劃為雙向加強生活及商務:行、住、坐、臥及進、退、應、對。
上英文課是一件事,其中到處旅遊是一件事,很重要的一件事是我想確認升大三時的主修科目。在課堂上及各項校園活動中,我當時發現若唸行銷,我必需跟當地美國人的英語程度相當,才能口燦蓮花(行銷需要會說故事:))。之後,大三時我選了財務為主修(自開始工作至今,財務一直脫離不了我的工作及生活!)。大家一定會想:為什麽不follow my heart跟著我的興趣走?說實在的,大學的我真不知道我喜歡做什麽、想做什麽、能做什麽。唯一確定的是我要出國唸書、我要進外商工作。
1. 在短期(1~2年)及中期(3~5年)你最想要的東西是什麽?
2. 想要的原因是為什麽?
我當年想出國唸書,原因一:我喜歡當全職學生; 原因二:我想要過過國外的生活。又因當時文化未開的我滿腦子只知道美國,因此北美兩年制的研究所是我的選擇(雖然後來因緣際會我移民去了加拿大)。學員Leo的原因就明顯不同,以他的條件及所處的人生階段,最快時間拿到一張文憑是他需要的。我就建議他考慮歐洲一年制的學校。
前前後後說了一些我們的故事,希望大家能提早在大學四年的時間當中,多做一些不同的嘗試。利用寶貴的寒暑假到各行各業做實習。如果你選擇到泡沫紅茶店做手搖飲料或到餐廳端盤子,多觀察公司的營運模式, 人事行政管理及行銷方法!
- Jan 16 Fri 2015 12:34
【商用email】9個常用的動詞, 有效率確實表達出意見
在寫 business email 的時候,
還好有翻譯大師軟體可以幫忙, 但對方還是看不懂我的意思?!
腦中浮現好幾個背過的單字, 中文翻譯的意思都一樣, 在這句話中到底要用哪一個才恰當呢?
單字和片語我都背的很熟, 但…... 他們的排列組合….. 我這樣放….. 正確嗎?
不用太擔心, 這樣子的經驗是很正常的, 因為一般大家的學習方式已經習慣被餵(填鴨) 及以文法翻譯的方式來學習. 這種學習方式對於應付考試是有效的, 只要有背, 看了題目, 就會選答案a 或 b 或c 或 d.
但真正要應用的時候, 以文法翻譯的方式, 就不難解釋為什麼我們說出口、寫出來的 Chinglish 別人很不容易了解的情況了. 試想: 若說台語的時候, 有人用普通話直接翻譯的方式說出, 是不是很可愛呢? 私下朋友之間耍可愛罷了, 在公事上與同事、上級單位、客戶耍可愛對自己的專業表現有幫助嗎?
以下介紹9個常用的句子, 幫助大家在寫正式business email 時可以很有效率地確實表達出自己的意思及意見.
試著填填看: 從以下的動詞列表中, 有哪些是可以通用在同一個句子當中的?
1. We regret to __________ you that the item you ordered is no longer available.
2. We _____________ a rise of 50% in the next twelve months.
3. We would like to _____________ a discount in our next order.
4. Could we _____________ using a different delivery company next time?
5. I am sorry to __________ that negotiations broke down.
6. I _____________ you that the same problem will not occur again.
7. I am writing to you to ___________ about the late delivery of my parcel.
8. We would like to _____________ a solution to your time management problems – the new Super Scheduler.
9. Did I ___________ that I visited your hometown while I was in England?
- acknowledge
- admit
- agree on
- agree to
- ask for
- assure
- bring up
- complain
- concede
- confirm
- decide
- deny
- discuss
- emphasize
- explain
- guarantee
- inform
- insist on
- introduce
- mention
- offer
- outline
- point out
- predict
- propose
- raise
- recommend
- refuse
- report
- request
- stress
- suggest
- summarize
1. inform/ I’m afraid the item…
2. predict/ We think that it will rise by 50% in the next 12 months
3. request/ Could we possibly have a discount on our next order?
4. suggest/ We think that it might be better to use…
5. report/ I’m afraid the negotiations broke down.
6. assure/ You can rest assured that the problem will not occur again.
7. complain/ Unfortunately, my parcel did not arrive on time.
8. propose/ Problems with time management? How about trying the new Super Scheduler?
9. mention/ By the way, I visited your hometown while I was in England.
這幾個字都是很簡單且常見的動作, 把他們用在你的 business email 中, 不但幫助你輕鬆表達意思, 你的整個專業度也借用精簡的表達大大提升哦!
接下來列出的是其它常用的動詞適合使用的情境, 看看在你的工作中經常出現的情境有哪些:
- acknowledge – We acknowledge that there were problems with the Beta version (回覆收到Responding to complaints)
- admit – I must admit to surprised at the demand for the iPad. (承認疏失Talking about mistakes)
- agree on – We all seem to agree on the need for change, it’s just what kind of change that there are some different views on (主持會議或需達成共識 Chairing a difficult meeting)
- agree to – We will agree to sale or return if you double your order (談判時同意Negotiating)
- ask for – We would like to ask for a little more time to fulfill the last order (提出要求Request)
- bring up – Can I bring up the production problems now? (提出想法Starting a new topic or going off topic in a business meeting)
- concede – I concede that it will not help our finances in the short term (承認、退讓Admitting that there are weaknesses in your argument when disagreeing with someone)
- confirm – Could you please confirm the agreement in writing as soon as possible? (近談判近尾聲時做個確認Near the end of a negotiation)
- decide – We have decided to order 200 to start with, with more orders dependent on how well those sell (談判之後表達決議After a negotiation and reporting back to your company)
- deny – We strongly deny any wrongdoing on our part (強烈的用字來表達否定A very strong reply to a complaint)
- discuss – I’ll discuss it with my boss and get back to you in the next couple of days (談判近尾聲時的留個迂迴空間At the end of a negotiation)
- emphasize – I really can’t emphasize enough how much of an improvement the new version is (銷售時表達強調Sales talk)
- explain – Please let me explain our reasoning (談判時提供多一些資料Negotiating)
- guarantee – We guarantee that a service engineer will arrive within three hours (銷售時表達保證Sales talk)
- insist on – I’m afraid I must insist on the same terms as last time (談判時表達堅持的立場Negotiating)
- introduce – Please allow me to introduce my colleague… (介紹人、事、物)
- offer – We would like to offer you a further discount on your next order (提供Responding to complaints)
- outline – Let me outline our position (表達大綱Starting a negotiation)
- point out – I should perhaps point out that all voice recorders have the same issues (指出Responding to complaints)
- raise – Can I raise the issue of quality control? (提出尚未提到的議題Changing topic in a meeting)
- recommend – I would recommend bringing in a consultant (有想法並提出建議Brainstorming in a meeting)
- refuse – I refuse to accept that (是個強烈的用字來表達不同意Strong disagreement)
- stress – I must stress that none of our other suppliers used that as an excuse (強調Strong complaint)
- summarize – To summarize, today's meeting has provided us a road map for the year (要做總結的時候Make conclusion)
- Dec 30 Tue 2014 07:16
30歲出頭了, 2015 實現我的外商夢!!
電話中Mina 焦急的說著她所面臨的問題,並告訴我們她己經準備好進入外商公司應具有的條件,為什麼還是不順遂。在Mina的說明過程中,ebs只用了簡單的數個問題問Mina,Mina沈默一會兒後掛上了電話。
- Dec 05 Fri 2014 10:30
多年在外商工作的期間當中,常常看到許多公司的同事和同業、廠商及代理經銷商一起共事的專業人員,個個有著很強的專業能力。但因這些優秀工作者的專業能力無法用英語表達、表現出來,在區域性 (如Greater China 大中華區、APAC亞太區) 甚或國際會議上給大家的感受是没有自信的、是能力不足的。
近兩年,若有學員、客戶及朋友問及,在閒聊的同時我自己也驚覺自己順口說出的列表長度是有點嚇人的 : 同為亞洲人,香港、新加坡、韓國、中國大陸、馬來西亞、菲律賓、印尼…… 的英語能力普遍的比台灣高。
我們的祖先真的有智慧,所謂不進則退。時間更是一個很強大的因子 (factor),每個人同樣的每天過日子,就 ’這樣過’ 和 ’好好過’ 和 ’卯起來過’,一天一天看似没太大差別。一年、兩年、三年、五年之後,個人情勢就大有不同了。國家是由個人所組成的,當個人情勢不同時,國家的實力也可一窺一二。
很明顯的,在這些國家都有一個共同的現象 : 英語的環境。這個是台灣所欠缺的。這也是EBS 成立的初衷 : 提供大家一個英語的環境。
常常有一些客戶在加入EBS family 前會問 : EBS 和坊間其它單位有什麼不一樣?建議大家在選擇的時候,試問這兩個問題:
1. 有没有馬上解決我的需求?
2. 是讓我 繼續 “學” 英文?還是讓我學馬上 ”用” 英文?
少說大家 "學" 英文的時間不下十多年,甚或二十多年、甚或三、四十多年,"學" 的成效如何呢?
繼續 "學" 下去,是否有一天英文就會變好了呢?
在EBS,學員在英文商用書信往來上有困難,直接email拿出來做討論及學習。明天要做英文簡報,直接Powerpoint拿出來做討論及學習。下週要英文面試,直接 resume拿出來做討論及調整。下個月要拍好萊塢電影,直接 chit chat 口說站起來做角色扮演。
在EBS,我們相信,當學員及客戶加入EBS Family的時候,我們的工作才剛開始。
只有當我們幫助學員及客戶們成功的同時, 我們的工作才算是成功。
在歲末年初的冬陽中,期許EBS Family 的每一個成員在學業、工作、生活上愈來愈自信,愈來愈自在,愈來愈豐富。希望台灣的明天更好!
----- Vivian Yu, Taipei
- Nov 21 Fri 2014 00:33
常常聽到學員及客戶提到一想到要做英文面試,就有很大的心理障礙!主要的担心不外乎是 1. 要開口說英文,好卡又怕說錯………. ,2. 面試官問問題,自己聽不懂怎麽辦?
之前在中國工作時,我身為一個人力資源顧問,大部份的工作是圍繞著與客戶溝通及與面試海量的候選人。因客戶多為外企/外商, 要能做好所招募職務的工作,候選人的英語能力是企業多方考量的因素之一。即使是本土企業,為了爭取與國際接軌的機會,具備英語能力絕對替求職者加分多多。
話說回來,當公司/企業通知你面試的時候,You know you have done something right! 你已經第一步成功地用簡歷將自己推銷出去。在你撰寫履歷時,為了提高面試的機會,想必你已經依想要做的職務,列出自己的Hard Skill、Soft Skill 及相關的工作經驗。若有非與職務相關的工作經驗,需要列出來嗎?建議做正向表列。因為有寫出來,就有機會不知道什麼時候公司/企業會看中其中一兩項的工作經驗或特質。當然,在撰寫英文簡歷時,你對英語的使用及掌握也是你表現自己的機會。
接下來的面試就是 The moment of truth!所謂大師一出手便知有没有,平時每天每件事所累積出來的經驗,都是自己一身的真功夫。建議你在準備面試的時候,先想好你的回答:
- 1. 每一份工作的離職原因(尤其是針對於工作期間少於兩年的工作)
- 2. 為什麽目前想換工作(對正在工作的你來說)
- 3. 為什麽會想要加入我們公司(尤其是對工作經驗不太豐富的你來說)
- Sep 12 Fri 2014 11:20
商務郵件 常犯的錯誤
Common mistakes in business email writing
許多學員常常在寫business email的時候,就是頭痛的時刻。。。。。。。。
"..xxoooxxx.......... 該怎麼說呢?"
聽到外師最常苦口婆心 "規勸" 學員的一句話是: 大家想複雜了, 用簡單的句子表達就很清楚了!
在這裏綜合一些實際案例, 供大家參考~
Example 1: My weekly report was accidently threw to the trash can.
中文原意: 我不小心把我的報告丟到垃圾箱了.
- Overuse of passive verbs that hides the identity of the doer.
- Incorrect use of verb tense, confused by the past and past perfect tense.
- Improper use of preposition that failed to describe exactly what happened.
Correction: (active) I accidently threw away my weekly report in the trash can.
Correction: (passive) My weekly report was accidently thrown away in the trash can.
Example 2: After using product, please place safe location. Do not place next the flammable object / easy melt object / explosion object.
中文原意: 使用本產品後, 請將銲桿放在安全位置, 不可放在易燃物 / 易熔物 / 爆炸物旁.
- Failed to identify the noun in specific term.
- Missing article, the or a, can't tell what is what and where is where.
- Missing preposition, readers don't know where to put the product.
- Missing object, confused readers what to do.
- Missing conjunctions and separator punctuation to make the sentence readable.
- incorrect usage of adjective and adverb. Use adverb to describe an action (verb) and adjective to describe a noun.
Correction: After using the soldering iron, please place it at a safe location. Do not place it near (or next to) a flammable, easily melting, or explosive object.
Example 3: Regarding the STI for the regulations for Taiwan, we asked all of doctor and the government.
中文原意: 有關台灣對於幹細胞移植的規定, 我們已經詢問過相關醫師和政府負責機構.
- When using an abbreviation for a specific, seldom seen terminology, it is better to spell it out at least once at the beginning of the letter.
- Improper sequence of wording.
- Missing plural identified.
- Need to be more specific when describe an organization handling the matter.
Correction: Regarding the regulations of the Stem Cell Implant (STI) in Taiwan, we have inquired the doctors researching this topic and the Food and Drug Administration (or government agency in charge).
Example 4: We hope you will reply to us ASAP. Your response we will be gratitude.
中文原意: 我們盼望您盡快回覆, 感謝不盡.
- Too complicated writing, need to be clear to the point.
- Incorrect use of word (noun) where requires verb in proper tense.
Correction: Your prompt reply will be appreciated.
Example 5: Please help us to be affixed warning label in the product cover.
中文原意: 請協助我們把警告標示貼於產品之外蓋.
- Improper use of passive verb where active is better.
- Incorrect use of preposition.
Correction: Please help us affix the warning label on the product cover.
Example 6: This case that I have been told my manager.
中文原意: 這個案子我已經和我的經理談論過了.
- Confusing verb tense where straight forward sentence is desired.
Correction: I have discussed this case with my manager.
Example 7: We has decided to seek locally factory help.
中文原意: 我們已經決定尋求本地工廠協助.
- Incorrect usage of conjugations.
- Confused usage of adverb with adjective, local is to describe factory, not seek.
Correction: We have decided to seek helps from the local factories (or a local factory).
Example 8: We just want to be describing fact and hoping the manufacturer could made the label to us.
中文原意: 我們希望說明實情, 希望廠商能夠為我們製作標示.
- Improper use of verb to be and verb tense.
- Incorrect use of preposition.
Correction: We just want to describe the fact and hope the manufacturer could make the label for us.
你也有寫 business email 上的困擾嗎? 歡迎 留言 或 寄信至 info@ebs-education.com 信箱. EBS 將會為你解惑哦!
- Jul 17 Thu 2014 14:10
Business Email - 30個常見的錯誤
如果你在撰寫商業英文書信時有以下的經驗, 不妨參考一下 Business Email 常見的錯誤:
- 如何開頭看起來比較友善?
- 很多背的英文單字意思好像都一樣, 在這封信要用哪個字比較對、比較恰當呢?
- 對方都不回我之前的email, 要如何讓對方回覆呢?
- 寫中文郵件, 我5分鐘就可以完成了. 寫英文郵件, 已經坐在電腦前30分鐘了還不知如何下筆?
- 寫英文郵件, 對我不是問題. 但為什麼對方常常看不懂我說的呢?
(還有很多很多 ooxx ...............)
30 Common Email Errors
#1 Make two sentences! 分成兩段吧!
(1st Sentence) Please see attachment of our bank slip for December commission.
(2nd Sentence) Regarding payment is a possible we pay you by quarter for save wire transfer fee and some paper work.
(1st Sentence) “Please see attachment of our bank slip for December commission.”
#2 Don’t forget to put an article before your nouns! (article = “a, an, the”) 定冠詞不要忘了!
#3 Possessive ‘s 所有格 : December’s commission
(Revised 1st Sentence): “Please see the attachment for our bank slip for December’s commission.”
(2nd Sentence) “Regarding payment is a possible we pay you by quarter for save wire transfer fee and some paper work.”
#4 Commas 句點 : Regarding payment [insert comma here]
#5 Every sentence requires a subject and a verb : “is it possible…” 最最重要: 每一個完整的句子都要有 "主詞 + 動詞"
#6 Subordinate Conjunction 從屬子句連接詞 : “…if we pay you by quarter”
#7 Infinitives 不定詞 : “for (to) minimize the wire transfer fees and paperwork?”
#8 Word Choice 到底用哪一個字才對?! : “save” is difficult to use here. “minimize” is a better option for the flow of this sentence.
#9 Singular -vs- Plural 單 vs. 複 數 : “wire transfer fees”
#10 Spelling 拼字 : “paperwork” = one word
#11 Punctuation 標點符號 : don’t forget your question mark “?” !
(Revised 2nd Sentence): “Regarding payment, is it possible if we pay you by quarter to minimize the wire transfer fees and paperwork?”
#12 there’re -> (a) they’re, (b) their, (c) there are 這樣說才對哦!
#13 If a subordinate conjunction begins a sentence, then there needs to be a “comma” after that subordinate clause.
從屬子句開頭的句子, 與主要子句的中間請記得打逗號呀!
#14 Sometimes prepositions are simply insufficient in conveying what you really would like to say: before the arrangement of producing. Instead of a preposition, a subordinate clause would be more effective: (1) before production can commence, or (2) before we can make arrangements for production.
當介系詞片語不敷使用時, 換個 "從屬子句" 表達更清楚.
#15 Words of redundancy. If you are already using “combine”, there is no need to use “together” because “combine already implies that the objects will be put together.
注意 累贅字/詞.
#16 Conjunction 連接詞 : “and” conjunction requires you to maintain the same verb tense. So if the first verb tense is present tense (“combine”), then revise must also be in the present tense.
#17 Subject+Verb agreement 主詞 與 動詞 的一致性 : If the subject is HK forwarder (3rd person singular, “it”), then the verb must be “advises” or “informs”.
#18 Indirect Object 接間受詞 : Often times an indirect object can be omitted, but sometimes it can actually help clarify a sentence.
#19 Word Choice 用哪個字好呢? : “cause” is a correct subordinate conjunction, but usually used in casual/informal speech with friends. Since this a sentence from a business email, “because” is the more appropriate.
#20 Aggressive/Confrontational 語氣要注意, 所以用字需很小心哦! : “you don’t (are not) ready yet.” Polite/Conservative: “it is not ready yet.”
#21 Punctuation 標點符號 : This sentence is statement, not a question.
#22 Bare Infinitives 不帶to的不定詞 : The “to” in “to block” infinitive can be dropped for a smoother flow because the verb “help” is a special verb that can allow it to become a bare infinitive. Either “to block” or “block” is correct.
#23 Unclear statement 這樣寫,老外一定看不懂 : This phrase, “…due to mobility training in Korea for one year”, is an unclear statement because it can mean that Rita’s credit card needs to be blocked because mobility training will be located in Korea – not because Rita will be at mobility training in Korea. Just like in case # 14, a subordinate clause would be the fix here: “since she will be in Korea for one year for mobility training.”
#24 Simplify 其實可以簡單的說 : “is back” = “returns”. You can accomplish the meaning of two words with one!
#25 Verb+Object Agreement 動詞 與 受詞的一致性 : Similar to how the Subject and Verb must agree, the Verb must agree (make sense) with its respective object. So in this case, instead of “let”, “make” would be a better fitting verb.
#26 Preposition 介系詞 : Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and some other word or element in the rest of the sentence. So in this case, “in arranging” is an adverb for “assist”.
#27 Gerund 動名詞 : a verb form ending in “+ing” and used as a noun
#28 Object of Gerund/Infinitive 動名詞/不定詞的受詞 : Infinitives and gerunds can sometimes have an object.
#29 Punctuation 標點符號 : This sentence is a question, not a statement.
#30 Verb Tense & Passive Voice 動詞時態 & 被動語氣 : Verb Tense = Future Simple. The Passive Voice is used in this case because the action is more important than the agent.
- Mar 24 Mon 2014 23:47
還記得上週的Give it a shot 嗎?
The ball is one’s court?
希望大家都能keep them in mind 哦
這週二不能不知的字, 第二波商用俚語大放送哦
Idioms |
Meaning + sentence |
Keep track |
了解或關注某人的活動或是某件事的進展 We need to keep track of time in this deal. |
Learn one’s lesson
學到經驗/ 得到教訓 I learned my lesson. I’ll never lose my temper in front of customers. |
There is nothing to it |
告訴某人”那件事很容易去做的, 沒什麼難的” Why don’t you make a simple website for your business? There is nothing to it. |
Burn bridges |
切斷關係(將來難以恢復) I never burn my bridges. Because I know there will be a time in life I will need that person. |
go about one's business |
顧好自已份內的事物(不管別人閒事) I was the quiet type who went about my business, never meddling in others affairs. |
cross one's mind |
一個出現腦海的念頭 The idea of quitting crossed my mind, but I decide to stay |
think on one's feet |
立即, 應變 To "think on your feet" you must be able to react quickly to a situation or question that you were not prepared for. |
show one's true colors |
(展現出)某人的本性(可用於好及壞) It’s easy to see people’s true colors when it comes to money. He showed his true colors in the face of dealing with benefits. |
Get your foot in the door |
某人先把一隻腳伸到門裏。所以它的含義就是:先獲得一個有利於將來發展的地位;也可以説,為進入某個行業或團體走出第一步。 This part-time work has allowed Frank to get his foot in the door and he hopes it will lead to a full-time job. |
引用全聯總裁徐重仁先生說: 『用心就有用力的地方』, 所以大家用力實用所學到的俚語.
- Mar 18 Tue 2014 00:16
商用英文怎麼學, 先看看外國人用句俚語來表達那些年我們講的漏漏長的意思….
EBS小編特別為大家介紹第一集的商用俚語, 下週見哦
- Dec 13 Fri 2013 00:57
做一個好的業務, 做一個好的人生
今天遇到一個7年級的女生, 在網路行銷公司做業務, 長得清秀卻有著無比驚人的戰鬥力, 入行時,自已一天打300通電話一邊訓練話訓, 同時開發客戶.. 在一個沒有底薪的條件下, 她現在已經做到第三年了. 令我思考的倒不是她成功的接了幾個案子, 薪水多少, (她還告訴我 “ 其實我一直想進修, 特別是英文,因為不好.”) , 而是一個態度. 當我告訴她”你知道你長得很漂亮吔, 而且口條又好, 個性開朗, 和人談案子時沒有壓力.” 她說” 沒有啦, 不過我感謝我的媽媽,因為她很有智慧地教我,才讓我長得好.”….. Ohhhhh….. 人生真的是一種態度.
EBS 小分享
- 1. Stay away from Anger. It hurts, and ONLY YOU. 不要生氣, 很傷,而且只傷自已
- 2. If you are right, then there is no need to get angry. 如果你是對的, 那沒有必要生氣
- 3. And if you are wrong, then you don’t have right to get angry. 那如果你是錯的,那更沒有權利生氣
- 4. Patience with family is love. Patience with others is respect. 對家人有耐心是愛; 而對別人有耐心是一種尊重
- 5. Patience with self is confidence, and patience with God is faith. 而對自已有耐心是一種自信;而對God有耐心是信念