如果你在撰寫商業英文書信時有以下的經驗, 不妨參考一下 Business Email 常見的錯誤:
- 如何開頭看起來比較友善?
- 很多背的英文單字意思好像都一樣, 在這封信要用哪個字比較對、比較恰當呢?
- 對方都不回我之前的email, 要如何讓對方回覆呢?
- 寫中文郵件, 我5分鐘就可以完成了. 寫英文郵件, 已經坐在電腦前30分鐘了還不知如何下筆?
- 寫英文郵件, 對我不是問題. 但為什麼對方常常看不懂我說的呢?
(還有很多很多 ooxx ...............)
30 Common Email Errors
#1 Make two sentences! 分成兩段吧!
(1st Sentence) Please see attachment of our bank slip for December commission.
(2nd Sentence) Regarding payment is a possible we pay you by quarter for save wire transfer fee and some paper work.
(1st Sentence) “Please see attachment of our bank slip for December commission.”
#2 Don’t forget to put an article before your nouns! (article = “a, an, the”) 定冠詞不要忘了!
#3 Possessive ‘s 所有格 : December’s commission
(Revised 1st Sentence): “Please see the attachment for our bank slip for December’s commission.”
(2nd Sentence) “Regarding payment is a possible we pay you by quarter for save wire transfer fee and some paper work.”
#4 Commas 句點 : Regarding payment [insert comma here]
#5 Every sentence requires a subject and a verb : “is it possible…” 最最重要: 每一個完整的句子都要有 "主詞 + 動詞"
#6 Subordinate Conjunction 從屬子句連接詞 : “…if we pay you by quarter”
#7 Infinitives 不定詞 : “for (to) minimize the wire transfer fees and paperwork?”
#8 Word Choice 到底用哪一個字才對?! : “save” is difficult to use here. “minimize” is a better option for the flow of this sentence.
#9 Singular -vs- Plural 單 vs. 複 數 : “wire transfer fees”
#10 Spelling 拼字 : “paperwork” = one word
#11 Punctuation 標點符號 : don’t forget your question mark “?” !
(Revised 2nd Sentence): “Regarding payment, is it possible if we pay you by quarter to minimize the wire transfer fees and paperwork?”
#12 there’re -> (a) they’re, (b) their, (c) there are 這樣說才對哦!
#13 If a subordinate conjunction begins a sentence, then there needs to be a “comma” after that subordinate clause.
從屬子句開頭的句子, 與主要子句的中間請記得打逗號呀!
#14 Sometimes prepositions are simply insufficient in conveying what you really would like to say: before the arrangement of producing. Instead of a preposition, a subordinate clause would be more effective: (1) before production can commence, or (2) before we can make arrangements for production.
當介系詞片語不敷使用時, 換個 "從屬子句" 表達更清楚.
#15 Words of redundancy. If you are already using “combine”, there is no need to use “together” because “combine already implies that the objects will be put together.
注意 累贅字/詞.
#16 Conjunction 連接詞 : “and” conjunction requires you to maintain the same verb tense. So if the first verb tense is present tense (“combine”), then revise must also be in the present tense.
#17 Subject+Verb agreement 主詞 與 動詞 的一致性 : If the subject is HK forwarder (3rd person singular, “it”), then the verb must be “advises” or “informs”.
#18 Indirect Object 接間受詞 : Often times an indirect object can be omitted, but sometimes it can actually help clarify a sentence.
#19 Word Choice 用哪個字好呢? : “cause” is a correct subordinate conjunction, but usually used in casual/informal speech with friends. Since this a sentence from a business email, “because” is the more appropriate.
#20 Aggressive/Confrontational 語氣要注意, 所以用字需很小心哦! : “you don’t (are not) ready yet.” Polite/Conservative: “it is not ready yet.”
#21 Punctuation 標點符號 : This sentence is statement, not a question.
#22 Bare Infinitives 不帶to的不定詞 : The “to” in “to block” infinitive can be dropped for a smoother flow because the verb “help” is a special verb that can allow it to become a bare infinitive. Either “to block” or “block” is correct.
#23 Unclear statement 這樣寫,老外一定看不懂 : This phrase, “…due to mobility training in Korea for one year”, is an unclear statement because it can mean that Rita’s credit card needs to be blocked because mobility training will be located in Korea – not because Rita will be at mobility training in Korea. Just like in case # 14, a subordinate clause would be the fix here: “since she will be in Korea for one year for mobility training.”
#24 Simplify 其實可以簡單的說 : “is back” = “returns”. You can accomplish the meaning of two words with one!
#25 Verb+Object Agreement 動詞 與 受詞的一致性 : Similar to how the Subject and Verb must agree, the Verb must agree (make sense) with its respective object. So in this case, instead of “let”, “make” would be a better fitting verb.
#26 Preposition 介系詞 : Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and some other word or element in the rest of the sentence. So in this case, “in arranging” is an adverb for “assist”.
#27 Gerund 動名詞 : a verb form ending in “+ing” and used as a noun
#28 Object of Gerund/Infinitive 動名詞/不定詞的受詞 : Infinitives and gerunds can sometimes have an object.
#29 Punctuation 標點符號 : This sentence is a question, not a statement.
#30 Verb Tense & Passive Voice 動詞時態 & 被動語氣 : Verb Tense = Future Simple. The Passive Voice is used in this case because the action is more important than the agent.