
2018 ebs Board Game Cup 桌遊冠軍盃集氣活動

ebs暑假瘋桌遊活動於 8/13熱鬧展開,猜猜冠軍得主落誰家?邀請 ebs family 踴躍為參加學員們集氣!

更歡迎您參加 2019 的桌遊活動!在刺激好玩的遊戲中,不知不覺地強化英文思考速度和反應、累積說英文的自信,更可以輕鬆用英文搏感情,成為風靡全場社交達人。桌遊不只是桌遊,還是快樂和交流!

[後記] 2018 ebs Board Game Camp 桌遊不只是桌遊,更是快樂和交流!
2018八月,ebs 為學員舉辦英文桌遊夏令營,在刺激好玩的遊戲中,不知不覺地強化並提升英文直覺思考的速度和反應;藉由大量的英文互動,累積說英文的自信,熊熊燃燒對英語學習的動機及熱情!
【Games Played and their Benefits】

  • Dobble
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    A card-based game, involving matching pictures and being the first to react by saying what picture is the same on two cards. It provided new vocabulary for students and allowed them to improve their ability to think quickly in English.
  • Matching Cards
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    A simple game of turning cards over to see if the picture matches the word. Due to its simplicity this is a good starting game and provided new vocabulary which could then be reintroduced in other games that lacked vocabulary.
  • Guess Who
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    所需技能:觀察力、用英文問問題 & 描述人的外觀
    A game in which players have cards with faces of many different characters and must ask questions about the appearance of the opposition card. This is an excellent game when working to improve asking questions in English, especially when concerned with appearances.
  • Tiki Topple
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    The game in which you must try to get specifically colored ‘Tiki’s’ in certain positions to win points. The main benefit of this game was that in provided students a chance to work in teams if they wanted to and converse in a way they may not have done in English before.
  • Heads Up
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    A game involving placing a card on your head which you have to ask other players questions to guess what it is. This game, similarly to Pictionary, caused a lot of excitement and teamwork.
  • Pictionary
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    A drawing game in which students draw a picture and others must guess. This game was extremely popular and caused great excitement. It also made students interact with each other in English.
  • Once Upon a Time
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    A card game in which students pick cards and create their own story with them. This is undoubtedly amazing for students to improve their English speaking and encourages imagination, something which a textbook cannot do.
  • Scrabble
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    A board game with tiles of letters that the students use to create words for varying amount of points. The most obvious benefit of this game is that it challenges students to create words on their own which is an excellent way to reinforce vocabulary they know and improve spelling.
  • Scattergories
    難度指數 «««
    A game in which players must create a long list of a chosen topic e.g. food, sport etc. Points are given for not only correct answers but also if the spelling is correct and if it is a unique answer. The benefits it provides are it encourages quick thinking and creativity.
  • Apples to Apples
    難度指數 «««««
    A card game in which each player chooses a card with a word on it that they believe best matches a word or phrase one player has chosen and then this player chooses what they feel matches best. A difficult game may be better suited to adults or higher level students.
    【Students Performances and Positive Changes
  • Class E
  • Eric – Outstanding performance, joint winner. Showed improved vocabulary when playing scrabble, a second time.
  • James – Fantastic performance, joint winner. Arguably showed the most positive change of any student as now speaks much more freely and happily in English, whereas before did not want to speak more than one or two words.
  • Mario – Great performance. Showed good confidence in speaking English and thought of some incredible vocabulary words during the scrabble and Scattergories games. Mario表現很好,能很有自信的說英語並能在遊戲中想出一些較為艱深的詞彙。
  • Class B
  • Boie – Incredible performance. Consistently spoke in English even when unsure of what to say asked and challenged himself to interact more with others in English.
  • Junlin – Along with Boie, Junlin also pushed himself to constantly speak English and improved how he interacted with others in English.
    與 Boie一樣,Junlin在活動中不停地嘗試用英語與他人溝通,並提升自己的口說能力,表現佳。
  • Sean – Great performance. Sean benefited greatly by being with others of a slightly higher level of English as this encouraged him to try and increase his English skill.
    受到 Boie和 Junlin的鼓勵,Sean嘗試挑戰自己並提升英語實力,在活動中的表現很不錯。
  • Ace – Wonderful performance. Although younger than the others in his group, Ace was able to easily adapt and compete with the others, thus improving all his English skills.
  • Class S
  • Angella – Great performance. Normally extremely quiet in class, the board game camp gave Angella the opportunity to see how other students speak English with confidence, hence encouraging her to do the same and speak up more.
    Angella表現很好,平常上課 Angella比較安靜,在這次活動中,Angella看見其他小朋友自信說英文,讓她也開始嘗試像他們一樣有自信地用英語與他人溝通。
  • Jasper – Excellent performance. Already a very talkative student the biggest positive change in Jasper was the increased vocabulary he gained from the camp.
  • Linlin – Outstanding performance. Very inquisitive and asked lots of questions, something that shows great intelligence, a positive change seen with the teamwork shown and helping others.
    ebs 致力為學員創造活用英文的環境,非常開心看見孩子在活動中用英文互動,搭建友誼橋樑,並為了完成任務動腦思考、絞盡腦汁。孩子在遊戲的過程中強化英語學習的動機及自信,活用語言並複習所學內容,也透過遊戲心得分享與討論學習反思。可愛的十位學員們,你們真棒!
第一奬:Boie --- 台北英國自然史博物館門票一張
第二奬:Eric --- 電影票一張
第三奬:James --- 英國 Harry Potter 博物館鉛筆
神秘獎:Linlin --- 台北英國自然史博物館門票一張

【第一名】謙虛 Boie  

【第二名】反應靈敏 Eric 

【第三名】 上知天文,下知地理 James 

2019 桌遊見!


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