
只要你聽過神奇寶貝或是皮卡丘, 你最近一定又發現為什麼大家又開始討論神奇寶貝了 !

但這次不是卡通 ,而且一款風靡全球的最新神奇寶貝手機遊戲!


雖然台灣還沒正式開放Pokémon GO ,但是早已在我們身邊掀起討論熱潮 。

如果你還不知道甚麼是Pokémon GO,

那就跟著ebs, 讓你邊學英文邊了解引起全球為之瘋狂的手機遊戲app,

讓你也可以和外國人一起討論Pokemon Go! 並學習時下時事相關的英文詞彙 !


究竟這個app上市一周以來有多火紅呢? 我們來看看BBC news是怎麼形容的: 

" In the week that political resignations, leadership battles and market turmoil dominated news headlines, a certain monster-hunting mobile game was busy making waves online. " - BBC news

"過去這周,當辭退政壇, 領導權鬥爭, 跟市場動盪等消息佔據新聞頭條時,


* resignations (n.) 辭職 

* turmoil (n.) 動盪

* dominate (v.) 佔據

* news headline (n.) 新聞頭條

* mobile game (n.) 手機遊戲

* make wave  製造風波/造成影響


如果你覺得以上的形容有點誇大其辭 , 覺得一款手機遊戲怎麼可能跟國際大事的等級並駕齊驅 ,

Volume of tweets worldwide (millions)
Source: Spredfast (From BBC) 
"There were 15.3 million tweets worldwide about Pokemon Go in its first week. That's more than the 11.7 million for Brexit in the week of the UK referendum - and double the 7.5 million tweets about the Euro 2016 football championships in its first seven days." - BBC news
"在它上市第一周全球就有超過5億則關於Pokemon Go的推特貼文,
* tweets (n.) 推特貼文 
* Brexit (n.) 英國脫歐公投  ("British exit"的縮寫)
* referendum (n.) 公民投票
* Euro 2016 football championships (n.) 2016歐洲足球冠軍賽

Pokemon Go
那這款Pokémon GO 手機遊戲到底要怎麼玩呢?


"The game uses a smartphone's GPS location and real-world maps to track players as they move around. Players can visit Pokestops - typically landmarks or buildings - and collect free items in the game.The main aim is to catch Pokemon, which pop up along the way. " - BBC news

玩家可以到Pokestops (通常是當地地標或建築物)蒐集遊戲中的免費物品,

* GPS location (n.) 定位系統

* track (v.) 追蹤

* landmark (n.) 地標

* pop up 出現, 發生(尤指出乎意料)


"The game provides an augmented reality experience, using the smartphone's camera to provide a live view of the world, with Pokemon superimposed. Any creatures caught can be used in battle against other players at Pokemon gyms - also real-world landmarks. " - BBC news

"這款遊戲提供實境擴增的體驗, 並利用手機的相機提供真實的世界場景重疊上神奇寶貝的影像。
任何你抓到的神奇寶貝,可以和其他玩家在神奇寶貝競技場(也是真實世界的地標) 中決鬥中 ! "

* augmented reality 實境擴增

* superimpose (v.) 重疊

* battle (n.) 決鬥

如BBC所提到這款手機遊戲最吸引玩家的地方, 就是在它會逼著你走出戶外。


而且手機遊戲更結合實境擴增功能, 讓你從手機相機的角度看出去 ,

真的能像上面圖片一樣,看到一隻活生生的皮卡丘俏皮地出現你手機螢幕裡的草地上! 非常有趣吧!


Pokemon Go

"With the game now having been released in the UK and expected to be released in many more countries soon, it is a fair guess that Pokemon Go's popularity will continue. "- BBC news

因此我們可以合理預期Pokemon Go的名氣將會繼續高居不下"

* release (v.) 發表/釋出

* a fair guess (n.) 合理的猜測

* popularity (n.) 名聲/名氣

相信現在大家不僅學會了許多單字, 也更了解時下最流行的 Pokémon GO是怎麼一回事。
那就讓我們跟BBC一起拭目以待 Pokémon GO 未來在台灣正式開放吧!
原文全文? 請見以下連結。看新聞學英文是個很好方式唷!


圖片來源: 網路



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