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•    撰寫並優化英文履歷表
•    練習並優化英文面試預備內容與應答技巧 (含初試與複試)

12月份在美國職業籃球運動員 Stephen Curry 的Youtube 頻道中,Stephen担任Microsoft的面試官,示範面試 Bill Gates. Bill雖然不確定上一次接受面試是什麼時候,但他的回答很具參考價值哦!分享給大家看看!




Typical job interview questions: a junior engineering position at Microsoft


Why should we hire you? 

You should look at the code I’ve written. I’m kind of crazy that I write software programs way beyond any classes that I’ve taken. I think I’ve got better over time so take a look at how ambitious I’ve been there. I do think I work well with people. I might criticize their code a little harshly but overall, I like to be on a team. I like ambitious goals. I like thinking through how we can anticipate the future. Software is cool and I want to be involved. 

您可以看看我編寫的程式。 我很瘋狂,因為我編寫的軟件程序遠遠超出了我上過的任何課程所要求的範圍,而且我知道隨著時間前進,我會變得更厲害,我是很有抱負的。 我認為我與人們的合作關係很好。 雖然我可能會苛刻地批評他們所編的程式,但我喜歡在一個團隊中工作。 我喜歡雄心勃勃的工作目標。 我喜歡思考未來的展望。 寫程式是很棒的一件事,我希望能參與其中。

小編:面試時直接提出實做的證據來支持自己的說法是很有力的一個做法。若單純列出一串形容詞,幫助是很有限的 (如:我很喜歡、我的表現很好、別人說我很厲害…..) 。


How would you define your strengths and weaknesses? How you can incorporate those into a team kind of aspect?

您如何定義自己的優缺點? 您如何將這些特質納入團隊的合作?

Well, I’m not somebody who knows a lot of marketing. You know I wouldn’t be enjoying being a salesman. For a position you are actually creating the products and thinking through what those features should be, I’m fascinated by that. I’ve followed the history of the industry, read about the mistakes that have been made. So product definition, product creation would be very strong if you have a team that understands the customers, the sales, the marketing, I’m not gonna bring that but I would enjoy working with them. 

我不是一個很了解行銷的人, 我也不喜歡做銷售。 對於這個職位,我們實際上是在創建產品並思考產品應具備哪些功能,我對這件事十分著迷。 我了解這個行業的歷史,了解這個行業所犯的錯誤。 因此,如果您有一個了解客戶,銷售與市場的團隊,那麼產品的定義與創建就會非常有力,我不能獨自做到這些事情,但我很樂意與這些人才一起合作。



What would be your salary expectation for this job and something that you’d feel comfortable with?  

I hope the option package is good. You know I’m able to take the risk and I think the company has a great future. So I’d prefer to get stock options even more than cash compensations. I hear some other companies are paying a lot but treat me fairly emphasize the options. 

我希望整體薪資是好的。 您知道我能夠承擔風險,而且我認為公司的前景很好。 因此,與現金薪水相比,我更希望獲得公司股權。 我聽說其他公司可以支付很高的薪水,但是我希望得到公平的對待並且獲得股權。

小編:很想知道什麼樣的薪資水平可以招聘到Bill Gates :D

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