大家期待的英文易混淆名詞 Part 2 終於來了! 這些英文單字中文的意思都差不多,但是在不同的情境中就是要用某個單字才精確,大家在讀完這篇文章後,可以再去查閱英英字典,並多讀例句,漸漸地就可以從例句中培養出英語語感喔!
1. 機會 Chance & Opportunity
Chance: 可能性,勝算;或者在說明和私人生活有關的機會。
Do you think we have a chance of winning?
The boy asked his ex-girlfriend for a second chance.
Opportunity: 用來表達目的、希望的機會;或者用在工作上,比較專業的感覺。
Thank you for give me such a great opportunity
I am seeking an opportunity to work for a large IT company.
2. 習慣 Custom & Habit
Custom: 社會文化的風俗、習俗
It is a custom to eat mooncakes during Moon Festival.
It is a custom for some cultures for the woman to pay for the wedding.
Habit: 個人生活上的習慣 ,持續性的行為
He has a habit of biting his nails when he’s nervous.
He has a habit of being tardy.
3. 例子 Example & Instance
Example: 具代表性或說明性的
That student sets a really good example.
Could you give me a few examples of how the word is used?
Instance : 偏情況或場合上的
In this instance I think she was mistaken.
He noted that there have been instances in earthquakes when survivors were found after days of looking.
4. 練習 Exercise & Practice
Exercise: 練習題 ( 課本內的 )
Did you finish the reading exercise?
Do the vocabulary exercise at the end of the chapter .
Practice: 練習 ( 為了強化某項技藝所做的 )
She goes to soccer practice every Sunday afternoon.
Practice makes perfect.
5. 假期 Holiday & Vacation
Holiday : ( 根據法律、宗教或文化等背景而制定的 ) 假日、節日等。時間較短
My favorite holiday is Christmas.
Friday is a holiday in Muslim countries .
Vacation: ( 指好幾天可以不用上班或上學的) 假期,如寒暑假。時間較長。
The students have vacation every summer.
We’re planning to go on vacation soon.
6. 官員 Officer & Official
Officer: ( 軍隊裡的 ) 長官, ( 海關 ) 官員,警員 ( 美式英文 )
The customs officer checked my suitcase at the airport.
It took around fifty officers two hours to bring it under control.
Official : ( 政府 ) 官員、公務員
Several public officials spoke at a press conference today.
The mayor is an elected official .
7. 分數 Point & Score
Point : 計算分數的單位
The player lost some points during the game.
With a total of 86 points to Matt’s 84, Elena was crowned MasterChef champion.
Score: ( 考試的) 成績,最後的得分
My score on the math test was 60 percent.
The score of the Holland, Brazil match was 3 – 2.
8. 中心 center & middle
Center : ( 圓形或球體的 ) 中心點,( 城鎮的 ) 中心區,( 議題等 ) 焦點或中心
The building is in the city center.
The shopping mall is located in the city center.
Middle : 用來指兩個位置的中間,也可以用於時間
She work up in the middle of the night.
He was stuck in the middle of two streets.