Taipei Times 的報導是這樣寫的:
Weightlifter Hsu Shu-ching (許淑淨) on Sunday won Taiwan’s first gold medal at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, lifting a total of 212kg in the women’s 53kg group.
* gold medal (n.) 金牌 ("勇奪"金牌在英文當中可以直接使用win這個動詞來表達喔!)
* silver medal (n.) 銀牌
* bronze medal (n.) 銅牌
* weightlifter (n.) 舉重選手
* lift (v.) 舉起
* Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro 里約奧運
相信多數人也知道在許淑淨奪金牌的背後 其實承受著賽前三周受傷的痛苦
如同Taipei Times 寫到:
After receiving the medal, Hsu said that her performance was better than she had expected, adding that she was worried about a thigh injury she sustained three weeks ago.
* receive the medal 獲得獎牌
* performance (n.) 表現
* expect (v.) 預期
(這裡使用過去完成式是因為"預期"這個動作發生在奧運準備期到奧運比賽之間 也就是在過去的一段時間內)
->這裡用到 "better than she had expected" 表示"比她的預期的好"
* thigh injury (n.) 大腿受傷
* sustain (v.) 承受
但其實在金牌光環背後 許淑淨並非出自於一個家境富裕的家庭
Hsu Yung-ming said the family is not well off. He and his wife used to make their living by sending produce to local wet markets. But they were forced to quit four years ago after he underwent surgery.
* well off (adj.) 富裕的
* make one's living (ph.) 謀生
* quit (v.) 停止
* undergo (v.) 經歷
* surgery (n.) 手術
因此許淑淨在賽後The China Post 採訪到她時 她也告訴媒體她對獎金的規劃:
Hsu said she plans to ease her family's financial burden with some of the money. She also plans to donate to her alma mater, Wushan Senior High School, in Kaohsiung.
* plan (v.) 計畫
* ease one's family's financial burden 減輕家裡的經濟負擔
* donate (v.) 捐贈
* alma mater (ph.) 母校
圖片來源: 網路
CNN news: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/08/09/sport/taiwan-weightlifter-gold-rio-olympics/index.html