關係:relation 和 relationship
***Relation: official connections between countries, companies, organizations etc.
例句:Relations between the two countries have improved recently.
***Relationship: the way in which two people or two groups feel about each other and behave towards each other
例句:She has a close relationship with her daughter
Relation是兩個群體或國家之間的關係,例如 [勞資關係] 是industrial relations;relationship 比較講人與人之間或是情感上的關係,例如in a relationship 就是指正和某人交往中。
合作: collaborate 和 cooperate
***Collaborate: to work together with a person or group in order to achieve something, especially in science or art
例句:My friends collaborated with me in writing this book.
***Cooperate: to work with someone else to achieve something that you both want
例句: The two universities are to cooperate in the development of a new industrial process.
Collaborate 的合作比較像是朋友或者和有相同興趣的人合作,而 cooperate 的合作則是以利益為主。EBS 有位老師說明這兩個字的不同:[ Friends collaborate. They are happy to work with each other. Cooperate is to work together. Even enemies can cooperate with each other].
許可: allow 和 permit
***Allow: to let someone do or have something, or let something happen
例句:Passengers are allowed one item of hand luggage each.
***Permit: to allow something to happen, especially by an official decision, rule, or law:
例句:Smoking is only permitted in the public lounge.
Allow 是非正式的許可或允許,permit 是依據正式規則或法律給予的許可。
問題: problem 和 question
***Problem: a situation that causes difficulties
例句: She was older than me, but that wasn't a problem.
***Question: a sentence or phrase that is used to ask for information or to test someone's knowledge
例句: Does anyone have any questions?
Problem 是需要有明確解決方式的問題;question 是單純對事物有疑問而提出的問題。所以解決問題是solve the problem,回答問題是answer the question 。
地上: floor 和ground
*** floor: the flat surface that you stand on inside a building
例句:It's on the floor under the kitchen table.
*** ground: an area of land without buildings, fences, woods etc.
例句:The landscape is a mixture of open ground and woodland.
Floor 是指室內的地上或地板,ground 是指室外的地上或地面。那大家知道 ground floor 是什麼意思嗎? 在英式英文,ground floor 是指the floor of a building that is at ground level,就是一樓的意思! 二樓則是first floor ! 不過美式英文的first floor 是一樓,second floor 才是二樓喔!
休息: break 和 rest
***Break : a period of time when you stop working in order to rest, eat etc.
例句:I'll go shopping during my lunch break.
*** Rest: a period of time when you are not doing anything tiring and you can relax or sleep:
例句:You look exhausted! Why don't you take a rest?
break 是活動中斷或暫停的休息,例如上班午休;而rest 是藉由完全不做事或睡覺的方式來休息。
學習: learn 和study
***Learn: to gain knowledge of a subject or skill, by experience, by studying it, or by being taught
例句:I learned a lot from my father.
*** study: to spend time reading, going to classes etc. in order to learn about a subject:
例句:I've been studying English for 6 years.
learn 是透過教導或自我練習而得到某種知識或技術,而study是為了某目的而深入學習或攻讀,並不強調是否學到了沒有。多年前有一位韓國學者就強調,對於語言 "Not Study,But Learn",意思則為別「研讀」語言,而是要「熟練」語言。
參考字典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English