

  1. 每次去看電影的時候,我都會買爆米花。 Every time when I go to the movies, I buy popcorn.
  2. 我常和我的大學朋友出去玩。 I often go out and play with my collage friends.
  3. 我弟弟總是不吃早餐。 My brother always doesn't eat breakfast.
  4. 他很難找到工作。 He was very hard to find a job.
  5. 她昨晚去聽音樂會。 She went to a music concert last night.


1.  Every time I go to the movies, I buy popcorn. 

 因為 Every time 本身就是連接詞片語,使得 when的功能重複,所以會把 when 省略讓句子更精簡。


** the moment   一……就,馬上 ( = as soon as)

   例句:  I hurried to his place the moment I got his call.

** any time  每次…… ( = whenever)

     例句:  You can call me any time you want someone to talk to.

** the last / next time  當上 / 下一次……的時候

     例句: The next time you come, we must spend more time together.


2. I often go out with my college friends.


在英文只有小孩會用Play來表示 "玩" 的意思。Longman 英英字典對此的解釋如下:

"when children play, they do things that they enjoy, often with other people or with toys."

青少年或成人直接說 go out ,就可以表示出門參加社交活動,也就是我們中文說的"出去玩"的意思。

關於 play的常見錯誤用法還有"玩電腦",不能說 play computer,



這時我們可以說:I like to play computer games. 

如果是喜歡上網:I like to surf the internet. 

若單純就是喜歡用電腦,可以說:I like to use the computer.


3. My brother never eats breakfast.

頻率副詞 always 通常不會用在否定句;要表示 "總是不" 的意思就直接用 never。

相似的用法還有 not often、 not usually 通常也會改為 seldom。

例如: I don't often eat out. 可以改為 I seldom eat out. ,會是更習慣的用法。 


4. It's very hard for him to find a job.

困難的是找工作,不是人;所以要把這句改為 To find a job is very hard for him.  不過因為主詞 "to find a job "太長,為了避免句子結構上頭重腳輕,習慣上會用it 虛主詞來代替,就成為 It's very hard for him to find a job. 這樣的句子。

5. She went to a concert last night.

Concert 的英英解釋: a performance given by musicians or singers。這個單字原本就有音樂會的意思,所以前面不用再加 music。相似的多此一舉用法還有各種顏色的說法;例如藍色就是 blue, 不用說blue color。



雖然只是簡單的五個例句,但是相信能夠讓大家對英文的用法有更深刻的體會。想要診斷自己的英文到底出了什麼問題嗎? 歡迎和EBS顧問預約時間諮詢喔!


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