1. Ahead of the curve 超越;走在前端
curve 是曲線,"behind the curve" 意思是落後
Meaning: To be "ahead of the curve" means to be more advanced than the competition.
Example: We're investing a lot of money in research and development so we can stay ahead of the curve.
2. The big picture 一件事的全貌;長期的遠景;真正的目標
Meaning: Everything that is involved with a particular situation is called "the big picture."
Example: Even though we all have very specific tasks to do, our manager makes sure we see the big picture.
3. Blue collar 藍領階級的、勞力的
Meaning: A "blue collar worker" is someone who works with his hands (manufacturing, construction, maintenance, etc.).
Example: It's a blue collar town with a lot of farmers and factory workers.
4. White collar 白領階級的、勞心的
Meaning: A white collar worker is someone who works in an office (customer service, management, sales, etc.). "White collar" (and "blue collar") can also be used to describe a job, position, or a place.
Example: The economic recession has put many white-collar workers in danger of losing their jobs.
P.S. 還有 Red, Pink, Green, Gold, Gray, Open collar,來瞧瞧這些顏色代表的人才
5. Get the ball rolling 開始進行
Meaning: To "get the ball rolling" means to start something (a project, for example).
Example: We need to get the ball rolling on this project. The deadline is in June, and it's already April.
6. Go the extra mile 比期望付出更多
Meaning: To "go the extra mile" means to do more than what people expect.
Example: We go the extra mile for our customers.
7. In the black 有盈餘
Meaning: If a company is "in the black," it means that it is making a profit.
Example: We're not having a great year, but at least we're in the black.
8. In the red 赤字;虧損
Meaning: If a company is "in the red," it means that is not profitable and is operating at a loss.
Example: When I started my own business, we were in the red for the first two years. We didn't see a profit until the third year.
9. On the same page 達成共識
Meaning: If two people are "on the same page," they are in agreement about something.
Example: Let's go over the details of what we agreed on to make sure we're on the same page.
10. Get down to business 進入正題
Meaning: Stop making small talk and start talking about serious business topics .
Example: Now that everyone's here, let's get down to business and start with the presentation.
Are you always ready to go the extra mile for your company?