Travel & trip
既 " well 和 fine" 有什麼不同後
某天小編的高材生弟弟又問我一個問題: 中文同樣為旅行的 "travel" 和 "trip" 有什麼不一樣?
就文法而言, travel 是旅行的統稱,是不可數名詞。
trip 是短程並會返回原地的旅行,並強調目的地或前往的原因。所以出差我們都會說 business trip。
看看以下和 travel / trip 相關例句,相信大家會更了解......
*** travel***
I like travel.
Air travel is getting cheaper.
The pass allows unlimited travel on all public transport in the city.
*** trip***
Did you enjoy your trip to England?
How long was your business trip?
We went on a trip to the mountains.
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