


eat out-1.jpg



一天在公司,台灣人Liz邀請一位來台出差的美國同事 Tom 一起吃飯,期待 Tom 體驗台灣的美食文化。

Liz: Would you like to eat outside, and it’s my treat?

Tom: Oh but it’s still raining now. We can probably eat outside in the backyard tomorrow. How about eating out at Fridays instead?

Liz: Oops that’s what I meant! Let’s go.


你是否也曾問過朋友 “Would you like to eat outside?” Tom 太了解台灣人常犯的英文錯誤了!在外面(餐廳)用餐我們會很直覺的想到 eat outside, 但正確的說法是 eat out,而 eat outside 則指在戶外吃東西,像是在公園野餐或在庭院吃烤肉大餐。




片語動詞是一種慣用語,它是在動詞後面加上介系詞或副詞而形成與原來動詞不同意義的片語。有趣的是,你可以在英文中找到很多組與一般動詞同義的片語動詞。片語動詞除了字較多外,另一項特質是它在生活口語對話中常被使用,不像一般單一個動詞那麼正式,如「代替某人」的英文我們會想到單一動詞 “substitute”,但更為口語的說法是 “fill in for someone”。


A. 活用以下10個片語動詞,讓你的英文表達更生動、道地!

1. Do something over 重做

定義:Do something a second time

例句:I did a horrible job and will probably have to do it over.

Do something over 和 do something again 意思相當接近,唯一不同的是 do something over 隱含負面意義,如你可能不小心犯錯,要將同樣的事再做一遍,就可以說 I have to do it over.


2. Dress up 盛裝、裝扮

定義:Wear nice clothing

例句:If you want to go with me to the dance club you must dress up or they will probably not let you in.

dress up 是慣用語,它的反義字是 dress down,意思是穿著低調,但 dress down 在英文中較不常被使用。

dress up.jpg

3. Drop out 輟學

定義:Quit school or a specific class

例句:She dropped out of university and regrets it very much.

skip classes 可能就會以輟學收場。


4. End up 以…告終

定義:Finally / End result

例句:I ended up going back to schooling getting my degree 3 years later.

end up 和 wind up 都有以…結束/收場的意思,要注意的是 end up 的 up 因為是介係詞,後面一律接動名詞 (V+ing)。


5. Eat out 在外面的餐廳用餐

定義:Eat at a restaurant

例句:I tend to cook most of my meals and hardly ever eat out.

eat out,常聽到台灣人說 eat outside 是不對的,若你說 eat outside,意思是你在戶外吃東西,像是在公園野餐等。


6. Fall through 失敗;落空

定義:Plans fail

例句:Our plans to go to the movie fell through because it was sold out.

fall through 這個片語動詞在句子中會以事物當主詞,不可以用人當主詞,例如我們可以說 My plan, or my test fell through. 我的計畫失敗了,或我這次的考試成績糟透了。

7. Fall out 吵架;失和

定義:No longer friends

例句:Bob and Gayle fell out because she thought he wasn’t going to be honest with her.

fall in with someonw 是與某人交好、成為朋友的意思,反義詞 fall out with someone 就是與某人失和。


8. Feel up to something 想做某事

定義:Feel like doing something

例句:Do you feel up to seeing a movie? There is an action movie that just came out and I don’t want to go alone.

feel up to something 和 in the mood for something / to do something 都是指有意想做某事,但要注意 feel up “to” 的 to 為介係詞,因此 to 後面須接名詞或動名詞。


9. Fill in for someone 代替某人


例句:Hi, I’m teacher Kent. I’ll be filling in for teacher Frances today because he is sick.


10. Fill someone in on something 告訴某人消息、內幕等

定義:Update someone

例句:I missed last week’s class. Can you fill me in on what I missed?


B. 試著角色扮演以下對話內容

Conversation A

Pat: I failed my third test.

Mary: So are you going to drop out or do it over?

Pat: I guess I’ll end up dropping out of the class.

Mary: Sorry to hear about that. Do you feel up to eating out?


Conversation B

Zoe: My plans fell through because I had to work.

Carl: I thought you didn’t have to work today.

Zoe: I had to dress up for work to fill in for another teacher.

Carl: Anyways, do you still talk to Joe?

Zoe: Actually, we just fell out.

Carl: Fill me in on the details!


C. 測驗自己都學會了嗎!

Fill in the blanks and use the correct tense.

 do sth* over 

 dress up 

 drop out

 end up

 eat out

 fall through

 fall out

 feel up to sth 

 fill in for sb** 

 fill sb in on sth 

*sth = something

**sb = somebody


(1) I __________________ seeing a movie last night. It turned out to be better than I expected.


(2) I had to _________________ go to church.


(3) She _________________ of high school because she was pregnant. She's going back to school soon to complete her degree.


(4) We _________________ because she owed me money and won’t give it back.


(5) My trip _________________ because there was a typhoon.


(6) I don’t think I did a good job. I’ll probably have to _________________.


(7) I’m not feeling well. Can you find someone to _________________?


(8) If you _________________ hanging out sometime you should send me a message when you are free.


(9) I heard they got divorced but I don’t know the details. Can you _________________ what happened?


(10) It’s too expensive to _________________ so I tend to cook most of my meals.


D. Answers

(1) ended up

(2) dress up

(3) dropped out

(4) fell out

(5) fell through

(6) do it over

(7) fill in for

(8) feel up to

(9) fill me in on

(10) eat out




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