- The Curse of the Bambino(貝比魯斯魔咒)。
紐約洋基(New York Yankees)與波士頓紅襪(Boston Red Sox)的球員球迷們也因此結下長達86年的樑子,從此成為世仇。
In 1918 the Red Sox won their 5th World Series. One of the stars of the Boston championship franchise was a young pitcher by the name of George Herman Ruth, aka The Babe or The Bambino.
紅襪隊在1918年贏得了他們的第5個世界大賽總冠軍。其中一個球隊明星是一個年輕的投手George Herman Ruth,又名Babe或 Bambino。
In 1920, however, Red Sox owner Harry Frazee needed money to finance his musical play, so he sold Babe Ruth's contract to New York Yankees for $100,000 (plus a loan collateralized by Fenway Park).
然而在1920年,紅襪隊老闆Harry Frazee急需用錢以資助音樂劇,所以他將Babe Ruth以10萬美元(加上芬威公園抵押貸款)賣給紐約洋基隊。
The rumor: Just before leaving for New York, Babe Ruth told reporters quote: "Without me, the Red Sox will never win another World Series.
In the 86 years after the sale, the Yankees played in 39 World Series and won 26 of them. Meanwhile, over the same time span, the Red Sox played in only four World Series and lost each in seven games. In 2004 the Red Sox finnally won the World Series breaking the curse.
Fans tried lots of crazy ways to break the curse. Over the years fans and extremists have gone to ridiculous lengths to try to rid their city of the curse, up to and including exorcism, vandalization, and even the proposed exhumation of Babe Ruth’s corpse. Yes, even Jimmy Buffett went so far as to channel the ghost of the Bambino and a witch doctor, putting them on stage to fight or something.
波士頓當地與紅襪球迷絞盡腦汁嘗試擺脫詛咒,甚至到了荒謬的程度,包括驅鬼、破壞、建議挖出Babe Ruth的屍體,甚至請巫師作法請來貝比魯斯在天之靈。