

猜猜看這 10 個慣用語的意思,讓你的英文表達變得更生動活潑!


1) When Pigs Fly 比喻不可能發生的事

Meaning - whatever you are discussing will never happen.

When pigs fly 字面上的意思為「當豬會飛」,大家都吃過香腸,看過豬睡覺,但應該沒看過豬在空中飛吧?所以When pigs fly 就用來比喻不可能發生的事,通常帶有嘲笑或挖苦的意味。相似用法有 Pigs might fly. (豬可能會飛)、When pigs have wings. (豬長出翅膀時) 或 When hell freezes over(地獄結冰時)。

Example - Yea, right! You will get Justin Bieber to ask you on a date when pigs fly!


2) Be barking up the wrong tree 找錯人;找錯門

Meaning – Looking in the wrong place/accusing the wrong person.

美國人剛到美洲大陸時,經歷過砍樹、打獵的開荒時代,追趕獵物時,會帶著獵犬,追捕逃到樹上的動物。但難免有失誤的時侯,獵犬聞錯味道或是看錯,就會對著什麼也沒有的樹狂吠,因此「be barking up the wrong tree」就引申為「找錯人」或「找錯門」。

Example – The detective was barking up the wrong tree and wasn’t able to find the criminal.


3) Kick the bucket 死掉、翹辮子

Meaning - to die

字面義是踢桶子,為麼踢桶子是死掉的意思呢?其中一個解釋為人上吊自殺時會放個桶子在地上把自己墊高,即將斷氣時會把桶子踢開,可以想像這個畫面吼?! 另一個解釋為 bucket 也有「屋樑」之義,古時農家宰殺牲禽時,通常將繩子綁在牲禽腳上,接著掛在屋樑上。牲禽死前做垂死掙扎,腳不斷踢那根屋樑,因此 kick the bucket 就是指死掉。

注意:kick the bucket 為俚語,通常只用在講自己、可以開玩笑的人,或故事人物,千萬不能用在長輩或尊敬的人。

Example - When I kick the bucket, I don't want a funeral. I want a party!


補充:bucket list 死前必了心願。What are on your bucket list?

電影推薦:The Bucket List 一路玩到掛


4) Get on like a house on fire 情投意合;一拍即合 

Meaning – have a very good relationship with someone.


Example – When we first met, we got on like a house on fire.


5) On the tip of my tongue 話到嘴邊 (一時想不起來)

Meaning - when you just can't remember something.

On the tip of my tongue 直譯是「在我的舌尖上」,實際要表達的意思話在嘴邊,但一下子想不起來了,真懊惱!

Example - Do you remember the name of the movie we watched yesterday? It is on the tip of my tongue.


6) Put a sock in it 請人住/閉嘴

Meaning - to ask someone to be quiet.

傳說古人會用襪子塞入任何嘈雜的東西裡,如留聲機太吵,就塞襪子進留聲機口。如果哪時候你的朋友或弟妹很吵鬧,安擾你工作或讀書,你就可以邊說 Put a sock in it,同時把襪子塞到他的嘴巴裡 L 這是比較不禮貌的用法 lol

Example - Jane was yelling while I was studying, so I told her to put a sock in it.


7) Cost an arm and a leg 昂貴的代價

Meaning - to be very expensive


Example - I bought a new car yesterday. It's great, but it cost an arm and a leg.


8) Drink like a fish 豪飲;(慣性)飲酒過度

Meaning - to drink a lot of alcohol

這裡的 drink 指的是喝含酒精的飲品,用「像金魚一樣的喝」指猛灌酒、豪飲。喝太多酒隔天起來 宿醉 (hangover) 就滿痛苦的。

Example - It was his birthday, so he drank like a fish.


9) Fall/get off the back of a lorry/truck 買來路不明或別人偷來轉賣的東西

Meaning - To buy something that was probably stolen.

原來從貨車後面掉下來 “fell off the back of a lorry” 是英語中的委婉用語,其真正的意思是買來路不明的東西,甚至可能是偷來的東西!你用兩千台幣就買到一台全新的iPhone X,別人好奇地問,怎麼這麼便宜,你說I got/fell it off the back of the truck. 意思就是,買了別人偷來的iPhone X,才這麼便宜。而貨車在美式英文中為 truck,lorry 則為英式用法。

Example - The black market was thriving when the war ended. It wasn't difficult to find all sorts of things off the back of a lorry.


10) Bob's your Uncle 就是這麼簡單,你做的完全正確

Meaning - everything's OK/perfect

這個俚語源自於英國首相兼外交大臣Robert "Bob" Cecil,他最大的功績為為大英帝國擴展版圖,但卻利用裙帶關係,指派自己的親戚到不同的政府機構工作,所有靠 Roger的關係進入政壇、取得工作的人一路平步青雲。因此,Bob's your uncle這個俚語就用來形容做事很容易達到目的。

Example - You want to go to the market? Go straight on until you reach the main road, take the first right, and Bob’s your uncle–you’re there!


看完這些俚語的來源和解釋是不是比較容易記的起來?這10俚語之中,小編最喜歡 Put a sock in it 你呢?你還知道那些俚語背後的故事呢?




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