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你意想不到的英國 5 Surprising and Interesting Things You Didn’t Know About The UK



1. 英國的村莊有很多奇怪的習俗


1.1 莫里斯舞 Morris Dancing


1.2 滚起司節 Cheese Rolling

滾起司節在每年五月的第四個星期一舉行,地點在英國格洛斯特 (Gloucestershire ) 的庫珀山(Coopers’ Hill )。比賽分為男、女下山及上山比賽,比賽開始時一塊 7 磅的圓形雙葛萊斯特起司 (Double Gloucester cheese wheel) 將被丟下山,最快從陡峭的庫珀山下來、追到起司為勝利者。雖然這個傳統的起始年已不可考,但現在不僅僅是英國人,更有許多來自世界各地的起司愛好者參加。

1.3 世界蚯蚓錦標賽 Worm Charming

這大概是全球其中一個最奇怪的比賽,起源於英國德文郡 (Devon)。參賽者要從土中引出蚯蚓,除了不能挖土、用藥,其他什麼方法都可以,在十五分鐘之內引出最多蚯蚓者獲勝。


2. 篝火/蓋.福克斯之夜 Guy Fawke's Night (Bonfire Night) 

每年的 11月 5 日都有不少人會參加這一天的慶祝活動,人們會在公園、學校和自家後院搭建篝火、燃放煙火、焚燒假人來慶祝 。然而,背後的故事並非如此美好的。在1605年,一名叫蓋. 福克斯的男子計畫炸毀英國議會大廈。他的計劃沒有成功,被議會保衛隊長抓獲後,在翌年2月被處死在倫敦塔。為了紀念這個國家級的危機,人們便焚燒用紙張或布料製成的假人 “蓋.福克斯”,時至今日,人們也會焚燒一些政治人物來宣洩他們的不滿。




3. 奇怪的法律條款


3.1 議員不能在議會裡穿著盔甲

3.2 如果你在信封上倒貼女王頭像的郵票,將被視為叛國罪

3.3 從捷運售票處跳到月台直接上車是犯法的 (就是沒有買票的意思)

3.4 只要你超過五歲,在家裡喝酒都是合法的


4.  與女皇相關的趣事


4.1 女皇擁有倫敦泰晤士河上所有的天鵝

4.2 女皇平日還是會住在白金漢宮方便辦公,當她在家時,人們可以在旗桿上看見屬於她的君主旗;當她不在家時(通常是週末),人們在旗桿上看到的就會是英國國旗。

4.3 女皇擁有英國三哩內所有的海豚和鯨魚


5. 英國有超過三百種語言流通




ebs 專為學員打造充實、有意義的遊留學計畫,提供喜出望外的服務,讓遊留學成為你改變人生的契機!

非常歡迎您預約 ebs 美樂顧問一對一諮詢!


FB: 用英語走看天下


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1. 在每個回答中說2-3句句子



2. 在每個回答中使用片語動詞或慣用語


come from

come across as

stay in

hang out with 

have round

take up

keen on 

look forward to 

eat out

fall through

prepare for

have on

have off

be used to

come across as 

除此以外,母語為英文的人也使用大量慣用語。在英語中有著許多慣用語,慣用語的意思是一些可能具有多於一個意思的、常用的句子或表達方式。長久以來最為人所知的慣用語是下傾盆大雨---“it’s raining cats and dogs.” 以下是15個可以使用的慣用語:

from time to time

once in a blue moon

tons of / a ton of 


that being said 

come to think of it 

out of the blue 

dirt cheap 

grab a bite to eat 

give it a go 

fancy something 

big on something 

in ages

over the moon

in the small hours


3. 使用縮寫,如I will = I’ll, I have = I’ve

縮寫是其中一個在IELTs裡面最簡單的得分方法。不幸的是,學生常常因為忘記或是不知道這有多重要而不這樣做。母語為英文的人在他們說話的時候一定會使用縮寫。如果你的IELTs 口說分數一直在6-6.5之間徘徊,你應該要試試看在每次說話時都使用縮寫。


4. 不要以正式的語氣回答

一般來說,學生在IELTs 口說考試中的回答都太正式了。在第一部分,你應該要較為不正式地回答,其實這還蠻簡單的。首先,不要說”Yes”或”No”,例如問:Do you live in Taiwan? 時,不要回答”Yes I do”,回答 “Sure do.”;又例如:Can you speak English?,不要回答”Yes I can.”, 回答 “Sure can.”。


5. 詳述細節

永遠不要忘記:你說得越簡單,你的分數就會越低。如果問題是:do you live in Taiwan. 然後你回答:Sure do. I live in Taiwan. 那你只會拿到5的分數。但如果你回答:Sure do. I grew up in the capital city, Taipei. I reside in the suburbs with a couple of roommates in a 3 bedroom house. 那你的分數就會比5更高。




1. 用一分鐘來寫下筆記



2. 說滿整整兩分鐘



3. 注意你句子裡的時態 



4. 使用活潑的句子開首

你在第二部分回答的開首應該使用類似下面這句的句子:“I would like to tell you about __________ which was the best movie I’ve ever seen.”


5. 比問你的問題說得更多





1. 立刻回答



2. 在每個回答中說4-6句句子



3. 在每個回答中用3-4句轉折語句


It’s my view that 

I’m of the opinion that 

From experience 

from my understanding 

Generally speaking

it seems to me that 

According to studies 

To begin with 


Last but not least 

As a result 

Take ________ as an example

Fortunately / Unfortunately

In conclusion 


4. 使用正式的語氣回答

在第三部分,回答要比其他的部分更正式。記得不要回答yes 或 no,取而代之你應該用比較長並且可以展現你對題目立場的開首,下面是一個例子:

題目:Are people reading less nowadays?

4.1 較差的回答

a) Yes I think so. (非常差的回答)

b) Sure are. (太不正式,這個句式只能用在第一部分)

c) 沒有說出你的全部想法)Yes I think people are. (

4.2 較好的回答:

a) I’m of the opinion that people are reading as much as they have in the past. (非常好的回答)

b) Generally speaking, people don’t read as much as they used to for a number of reasons. (很好的回答)


15. 在每個回答中討論2-3個重點



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Peggy's Diary

The first day at Harrow school

Lorancto is energetic and she lives beside me. I found that she's not good at logic.


Jassica and Alexandra are hot girls. They both have great flexibility. The latter has been here three times. She has done lots of extra-curricular such as drama and ballet. She is a proud Greek.


Our teacher Tania is from a small country near India. She is nice and young (25)


The first class was about Shakespeare. We wrote scripts in the past tense (communicating with Alexandra was exhausting). Then, she introduced phrasal verbs to us by a clip in a TV series, The Big Bang. (Lorancto seemed a bit too childish and careless. I regretted letting her create the content.)


Harrow fives is a hard sport, but worth trying. An Italian girl played it well.


The second day at Harrow School

Cambridge is a beautiful place that looks like a scene in a movie. It’s totally a historic and cultural place. It is a wonderful experience that you should never miss. The architecture here is truly a work of art. The details and delicate sculptures are astounding, not to mention the age of those buildings. Most of them are centuries old and were thus designed on paper and by sketching.


I found that English people take their quality of life seriously. You can tell that from their gardens and street designsI think that if I want to keep this feeling with me after I get back, I should well learn gardening and more cultural stuff. Perhaps I should make the best of my leisure time to explore the world and be creative. I think the best thing that English people have impressed me so far is that they take pride in their culture and try their best to promote it globally.


After my visit to Cambridge, I found it boring and exhausting to attend the evening activities. One thing I've learnt is that it’s hard to please teenagers and I should learn how to launch an activity properly without making everyone bored. The best way to achieve this is probably to put the people who are attending under close observation. Another experience I got from there is English connects everyone worldwide, which is amazing. I also found it awkward to convey my thoughts to others because different languages come with different experiences and logic. Now, I suppose that I can stand in Loracto’s shoes and get to know her more in order to try thinking in her way. By the way, my goal (just came up with it today) is to make friends with all the girls in my class. I hope that I can make it in the end, because if I complete it, I will know that I have the ability to make friends. Most important of all is that I can make the most of my English ability.


One last thing, the game splat is interesting. There is be a person in the middle, and whomever he points to has to get down. Then, the two standing beside that person have to splat at each other. The one who does it faster survives.


The third day at Harrow school

My classmates and I got to know more about each other. I also finally found the problem, which I’ve been having with Alexandra. She always decides to follow her plans and she is overconfident. But I have also found that being confident like her can be quite important because my biggest disadvantage is that I can't feel good about myself unless others surrender to me. It makes me feel so weird. I’ve been going through this cycle ever since my school life began. It prevents me from making friends. The most important thing I’ve learnt so far is that I care too much about others' thoughts and I, therefore, avoid various possibilities. I hate my personality. I need to change.


While in the canteen, I heard Andy talk about the separation between England and the EU. Later in the afternoon, we had a quiz about everything including Harrow, music, common sense, and even sports! I suddenly found out how little I know. Although it was not the first time that I noticed my lack of knowledge of the world around me, I had never peered so deeply into my brain that it made me tremble. Now I find that studying is important, but at the same time, it is even better to get involved in this world.


Last but not least, I am convinced that teachers do their best to help their students. No matter how boring or terrible, l believe they all mean well in the end. The conclusion is that I must think about the meaning behind school fairs and small activities, and get engaged in classes. I will adopt a new attitude when I get back.


The fourth and fifth day at Harrow School

It took a while to get to the city centre. All in all, England is an international place, where people from everywhere walk around. It has a lot on offer. For example, it has one of the best museums in the world and numerous shops and sights to see. In some of those shops, such as the pharmacy, grocery store, and even bookstores, there are various different brands of goods. The malls also have many shiny and luxurious products. The different smells of perfumes mixed up together will literally make you dizzy. Big cities are all the same to me since they all resemble each other with crowds of tourists and huge buildings. But London’s highlights are its historical buildings and its leafy environment which makes it recognizable compared to others. However, its urban areas and countryside are my personal favorite, due to the silence and wonderful views. I think one of the things I envy about Harrowians is this.


The sixth day at Harrow school

I think that l must have misunderstood AJ since today she talked to me in a friendly way and listened to my opinion. Also, our class today was about advertising and debates with all those phrases and idioms like “Sorry to interrupt, but...” and” go like hotcakes. When it comes to speaking, AJ always is the best. However, what really stunned me today was the knowledge they had during the debate. For instance, the topic today was ”boys are better than girls”. Unfortunately, I was on the agree side, so you're aware what happened in the end. It didn’t matter who won, but my classmate Jessica and Monica did a good job on that, and they even made examples about the Olympics and information like girls are three years more mature than boys. Not to mention that Alexandra had stated that women live ten years longer than men do. Her unbreakable points are so perfect as to make me feel ashamed of being one year younger. In my opinion, it’s better to be knowledgeable about things that are important as well as facts which can be useful while writing and talking.


Finally, at the dinner party tonight, I gave my email address to Monica. This meant that I made my first friend here. On the other hand, when I saw the Chinese group going on stage for graduation certificates, l suddenly felt a sense of loss because that made me have to face the whole group of foreigners without the familiar language around me. I started to be afraid of the last half of my journey becoming just us Taiwanese being the minority among those Italians.


The seventh day at Harrow school

Today we explored the small town of Harrow. It is amazing that there is such a lively street for residents in Harrow to go shopping. I didn't learnt much today because there was no class. The only thing that I found interesting is that some of those kids were wearing uniforms today, even though it was still the first month in summer vacation. I didn’t ask why. Anyways, I bought some souvenirs for myself, my mom, and my sister, which were respectively a Harrow hat (at the price of 32£), a pen with my mom’s name written on it (which was surprisingly 1.40£), and a ring for my sister (at about4.00£). I decided to buy something really British for Mom. It was all under 20£.


PS, I am making friends with an Italian girl, Cecilia, who is seventeen years old and willing to communicate with us. I'm expecting this relationship will be established easily. Additionally, I played badminton with Angelica today. She’s the girl who played Harrow fives with us last Wednesday. She was not as 衿持 as she was before. I acknowledged that playing sports can be an excellent way to make friends since we can avoid the embarrassment of talking and see the person through their movements, or just simply enjoy the game.


The eighth day at Harrow School

It's been a long time since I got here. The sense of interest has ended, and everything seems to be less intriguing. I found that Monica is remarkably good at English despite her young age. I’m jealous of her. However, I need to come up with a way to advance, so I found out that her abilities over me are vocabulary and how she organizes her thoughts. For example, she can write things down from sentences to articles and then 修飾. I want to be just like her, but it's hard to start because it's a matter of how. What worries me the most is that I don't have much time left, and that makes me feel anxious. That’s why how I use my time will be my toughest task.


Aside from those things, my day ended with a question: why is it so hard to make friends, and why does everyone here end up with a fellow or two? The answer I have come up with so far is that I always chicken out while making friends with strangers. When I saw AJ get a boyfriend, who’s from Turkey, in less than three days after he arrived, I was really amazed. I believe there is still a lot to learn in my last five days.


The ninth and tenth day at Harrow School

Ceceilia is not an easy one. She loves fashion and loves taking pictures. Another thing I know about her is that she is competitive. I know I don’t have much time left to make friends, but I need to try my best to get this one, and AJ’s Instagram. After these two days, I learned several things. One of them is something I noticed while playing tennis with a bunch of Chinese kids. They are surprisingly selfish. The first time I noticed this was when one of the girls, who is thin and short, was selected to collect the balls. While she was running around the whole field busy as a bee, those children who came along with her kept hitting the ball harder and harder. I found that they didn’t take pity on the girl but focused on their own enjoyment. I saw the girl running and sweating and finally it was even hard for her to catch her breath. She barely said anything the whole time. Despite this, those Italians showed no tolerance to the same girl because she can’t speak English fluently. Correction, she relied on her friend. Those Italian boys couldn’t speak proper English either, however, they sort of spoke ill behind her back in Italian. Well, in my opinion, children in this generation are self-centered. When I talk about this, I am talking about myself, too. It’s such a bad habit we have nowadays. Everyone is doing it though, so it can be it’s just normal. Anyways, it doesn’t mean such behavior is right, and as a citizen in this era, I should be responsible for a change in the situation.


Today, I also went to a Disco Night. It was the first experience I had in such an unserious place. I recorded it in my collection of photos and videos. The place was too dark to get any good footage though and my efforts were to no avail.


The eleventh day at Harrow School

Today I went to the natural history museum. I tried to connect with Rebecca, a new girl from China. I went with Monica to the earthquake simulation area first. Something I viewed as interesting was that it perfectly showed what life was like in Japan a long time ago, including all the products on the shelves. In addition to that, the explanation about earth and matter was simple and delicate. Most importantly, the samples exhibited in the shop window were real. For example, there were rubies, diamonds, some human skeletons, and even a catfish transported from Japan. However, I regretted not going and seeing the objects and specimens in the green zone. Now I know what a map is for. In the future, if I get a map, I will make better use of it. Just like learning a new skill, it can tell you where to start and finish. More importantly, a map makes your journey more efficient. In conclusion, from now on, I’ll make good use of maps.


The next place I went to today was Harrods, where luxury items are sold. It was such a posh place. Something I couldn’t believe was that the Chinese people, who are the same age as me, bought bags and bags of jewelry and clothes without hesitation. How much money did they actually bring with them? It was just surprising! I’m not a person who actually shops a lot, thus I strolled around and pretended that I was as rich as Monica. She even mimicked those ladies with high heels walking in the department store. It was so hilarious. After that, we listened to some street performers perform in front of Harrods. There was a fourteen-year-old black girl with a powerful voice who promoted herself in order to become a singer in the future. That is the difference between us and those Europeans. We don’t show off because we think it’s an act of arrogance. On the other hand, when you reveal your ability people see you as a person.




Work by one of our student- Brian

Death, a consequence of everything, a situation you must embrace, early or late, you are going to meet up with it.


When you are going to face it, what will come up in your mind? What will you do to take the best use of the rest of your time? I suppose you're going to take the plunge , do whatever you want , stop struggling in any adverse feasibility , put the most effort into your dreams that are not achieved yet , because you know that you don't have much time left. So that you can end up your life with satisfaction.


Why don't we have this kind of mentality and determination while we're being challenged? Or simply just everything? Won't this mental pre-preparation help you genuinely immerse and enjoy in the process of coping with the plight you're in or let yourself finely concentrate, and indulge in the feeling of being alive and active?


Death, reminds us the value of life, tells us how precious life is, teach us the magnificence to treasure our life just as our children, and push us out of our bubbles and attain what we thought we can't.


Don't we need to thank Death devoutly?


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透過迪士尼電影學習四個電影常用的詞彙  Learn some English through Disney movies!


1. Starring

"Starring"一字的意思為主演,在電影"Beauty and the Beast"中,主演就是以哈利波特"Harry Potter"系列聞名的Emma Watson。

例句:The starring actress in movie "Beauty and the Beast" is Emma Watson. 


Pic cr. to:http://img.malaimo.tw/20170317232307_39.jpg


2. Remake


例句:Disney is now using VR technique to remake its classic cartoon- "The Lion King".


Pic cr. to:http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/36800000/TLK-CUBS-the-lion-king-cubs-36842691-1000-502.jpg


3. based on the best-selling novel...

其實有很多的電影作品都是改編自小說的,其中迪士尼就改編了非常經典的童話故事-胡桃鉗與老鼠王 "The Nut Cracker and the Mouse King",準備2018年年底的時候推出。

例句:"The Nutcracker and the Four Realms" is one of the movie based on the best-selling novel "The Nut Cracker and the Mouse King", written by Ernst Theodor Whilhelm Hoffmann.


Pic cr. to:https://familyreviewguide.com/disneys-nutcracker-four-realms/


4. based on true story

最近上映的Winnie the Pooh真人電影,就是"based on true story"的電影,意思是從真實故事改編。而事實上非常多的電影都是編劇在參考了真實故事後改編的,甚至在選角方面都採用與原來主角相似的演員來重現真實的畫面。

例句:Christopher Robin is a Disney movie which based on true story.


Pic cr. to:https://movies.disney.com/christopher-robin


[心得分享] 看電影訓練聽說 字幕其實很重要?

     小編認為想要看電影學英語的最大秘訣是學會看字幕! 在這之前要先了解自己到底想要學什麼然後按自己的程度透過字幕來學習英文,那該怎麼做呢?在開始之前,首先你要先取得可以在家裡觀看的電影片子,或是透過Youtube搜尋一些電影片段來練習。像是小編自己經過多年練習後,現在就是一個完全不看字幕的人,雖然多多少少在電影院看電影的時候不能避免會看到,但在家裡看DVD或是從網上翻看一些片段的時候我是完全不會看字幕的。

1. 聽力


2. 口說

     想練習口說首先當然要看你想要學習什麼口音! 一般來說美國口音電影會比較普遍,你可以嘗試跟著電影人物唸出他們的對白,字幕可以幫助你理解他們在說什麼,遇上不會的詞彙或句子還可以作筆記抄下。長期下來不僅可以改善發音,還可以學習到外國人常用的一些俚語或句式。


最後,小編還滿常到Voicetube去看電影片段的,建議大家可參考以下網址: https://goo.gl/8Nu7UZ




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harrow school.jpg

Photo Source: http://www.ukea.org/Pic/harrow%20school.jpg


2018 Harrow 暑期遊學心得分享

同梯次來了一團對岸國旅帶來來自上海的一群小朋友。國旅顧名思義是國家旅遊單位,特別設立一個教育部門與教育部合作,深入各級學校帶孩子們出國育教於樂。一個資訊令我們值得好好想想。對岸政府已經了解到「紅色教育」(倡導主義、思想)太枯燥,已經下令全國城市9年教育制度內的學生們在9年級前必需完成3次出國看博物館、看文化、看奇景……,國家同時提供補助。自國家top down下來,這是一個很強的力道!上海市就有100多萬名中小生,數年後的成效會很驚人的。

立馬跟我們 2018 ebs Harrow School 的孩子們分享這個訊息並提醒:你們的世代是跟全世界一起工作,務必要看到其他同齡同儕的樣貌、擁有的條件及一路所做的努力。ebs鼓勵大家多走走、多看看、多參與、多吸收,家長們對你們的投資是要讓你們長能力、長腦袋的!(可憐的孩子們,放暑假中每天都有事兒一直被唸  




幾天來在 ebs 2018 Harrwon School Summer Program,孩子們每天都有新的問題及想法分享 :-)

A: 怎麽覺得每天都過的好充實!?
A: 真的!


孩子,没有人是全能的。ebs 也不是全能。父母各有其專業,在各行各業發光發熱。重要的是,父母及ebs選擇、提供機會讓你們上有品質的課程及參加正確的、有深度的活動,讓你們看見、學習,同時養成能力懂得如何進一步教育自己。



Vivian/ebs @ Harrow London



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1.“Tell me a little about yourself.”


For instance:

“I can see that you already have my resume so I won’t repeat what you already know, instead let me tell you about how I spend Saturday mornings teaching art to schoolkids, and while I do I learn as much from them as I teach. It gives me an opportunity to keep my creative side active.”


2.“What are your greatest professional strengths and weaknesses?”



For instance:

“I used to have trouble with procrastinating. This was because I didn’t properly prioritize but now I keep a real-time updated to do list and I find that I no longer miss deadlines and I’m able to be much more productive.” 



“I’m a great communicator.” 請說:

For instance:

“I’m a great communicator. When my team has a meeting I’m always the team member who facilitates the conversation to be sure we stay on track, cover the entire agenda and reach a usable conclusion.”


3.“Where do you see yourself in five years?”



4.“Why are you leaving your present position?”


For instance:

“I feel limited in my current job and am looking for more challenges and opportunities.”















若您正在尋求面試英文的資源,ebs 資深顧問和外籍老師能給予您最實用的面試技巧和職涯諮詢,為你的人生帶來改變的契機。

非常歡迎您預約 ebs 美樂顧問一對一諮詢!


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eat out-1.jpg



一天在公司,台灣人Liz邀請一位來台出差的美國同事 Tom 一起吃飯,期待 Tom 體驗台灣的美食文化。

Liz: Would you like to eat outside, and it’s my treat?

Tom: Oh but it’s still raining now. We can probably eat outside in the backyard tomorrow. How about eating out at Fridays instead?

Liz: Oops that’s what I meant! Let’s go.


你是否也曾問過朋友 “Would you like to eat outside?” Tom 太了解台灣人常犯的英文錯誤了!在外面(餐廳)用餐我們會很直覺的想到 eat outside, 但正確的說法是 eat out,而 eat outside 則指在戶外吃東西,像是在公園野餐或在庭院吃烤肉大餐。




片語動詞是一種慣用語,它是在動詞後面加上介系詞或副詞而形成與原來動詞不同意義的片語。有趣的是,你可以在英文中找到很多組與一般動詞同義的片語動詞。片語動詞除了字較多外,另一項特質是它在生活口語對話中常被使用,不像一般單一個動詞那麼正式,如「代替某人」的英文我們會想到單一動詞 “substitute”,但更為口語的說法是 “fill in for someone”。


A. 活用以下10個片語動詞,讓你的英文表達更生動、道地!

1. Do something over 重做

定義:Do something a second time

例句:I did a horrible job and will probably have to do it over.

Do something over 和 do something again 意思相當接近,唯一不同的是 do something over 隱含負面意義,如你可能不小心犯錯,要將同樣的事再做一遍,就可以說 I have to do it over.


2. Dress up 盛裝、裝扮

定義:Wear nice clothing

例句:If you want to go with me to the dance club you must dress up or they will probably not let you in.

dress up 是慣用語,它的反義字是 dress down,意思是穿著低調,但 dress down 在英文中較不常被使用。

dress up.jpg

3. Drop out 輟學

定義:Quit school or a specific class

例句:She dropped out of university and regrets it very much.

skip classes 可能就會以輟學收場。


4. End up 以…告終

定義:Finally / End result

例句:I ended up going back to schooling getting my degree 3 years later.

end up 和 wind up 都有以…結束/收場的意思,要注意的是 end up 的 up 因為是介係詞,後面一律接動名詞 (V+ing)。


5. Eat out 在外面的餐廳用餐

定義:Eat at a restaurant

例句:I tend to cook most of my meals and hardly ever eat out.

eat out,常聽到台灣人說 eat outside 是不對的,若你說 eat outside,意思是你在戶外吃東西,像是在公園野餐等。


6. Fall through 失敗;落空

定義:Plans fail

例句:Our plans to go to the movie fell through because it was sold out.

fall through 這個片語動詞在句子中會以事物當主詞,不可以用人當主詞,例如我們可以說 My plan, or my test fell through. 我的計畫失敗了,或我這次的考試成績糟透了。

7. Fall out 吵架;失和

定義:No longer friends

例句:Bob and Gayle fell out because she thought he wasn’t going to be honest with her.

fall in with someonw 是與某人交好、成為朋友的意思,反義詞 fall out with someone 就是與某人失和。


8. Feel up to something 想做某事

定義:Feel like doing something

例句:Do you feel up to seeing a movie? There is an action movie that just came out and I don’t want to go alone.

feel up to something 和 in the mood for something / to do something 都是指有意想做某事,但要注意 feel up “to” 的 to 為介係詞,因此 to 後面須接名詞或動名詞。


9. Fill in for someone 代替某人


例句:Hi, I’m teacher Kent. I’ll be filling in for teacher Frances today because he is sick.


10. Fill someone in on something 告訴某人消息、內幕等

定義:Update someone

例句:I missed last week’s class. Can you fill me in on what I missed?


B. 試著角色扮演以下對話內容

Conversation A

Pat: I failed my third test.

Mary: So are you going to drop out or do it over?

Pat: I guess I’ll end up dropping out of the class.

Mary: Sorry to hear about that. Do you feel up to eating out?


Conversation B

Zoe: My plans fell through because I had to work.

Carl: I thought you didn’t have to work today.

Zoe: I had to dress up for work to fill in for another teacher.

Carl: Anyways, do you still talk to Joe?

Zoe: Actually, we just fell out.

Carl: Fill me in on the details!


C. 測驗自己都學會了嗎!

Fill in the blanks and use the correct tense.

 do sth* over 

 dress up 

 drop out

 end up

 eat out

 fall through

 fall out

 feel up to sth 

 fill in for sb** 

 fill sb in on sth 

*sth = something

**sb = somebody


(1) I __________________ seeing a movie last night. It turned out to be better than I expected.


(2) I had to _________________ go to church.


(3) She _________________ of high school because she was pregnant. She's going back to school soon to complete her degree.


(4) We _________________ because she owed me money and won’t give it back.


(5) My trip _________________ because there was a typhoon.


(6) I don’t think I did a good job. I’ll probably have to _________________.


(7) I’m not feeling well. Can you find someone to _________________?


(8) If you _________________ hanging out sometime you should send me a message when you are free.


(9) I heard they got divorced but I don’t know the details. Can you _________________ what happened?


(10) It’s too expensive to _________________ so I tend to cook most of my meals.


D. Answers

(1) ended up

(2) dress up

(3) dropped out

(4) fell out

(5) fell through

(6) do it over

(7) fill in for

(8) feel up to

(9) fill me in on

(10) eat out




想把自己的英文說的道地又自然?立即追蹤「用英語走看天下」FB 粉絲專業,第一手得知最新最優的英語學習資源。


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1. Ahead of the curve 超越;走在前端

curve 是曲線,"behind the curve" 意思是落後

Meaning: To be "ahead of the curve" means to be more advanced than the competition.    

Example: We're investing a lot of money in research and development so we can stay ahead of the curve.


2. The big picture 一件事的全貌;長期的遠景;真正的目標

Meaning: Everything that is involved with a particular situation is called "the big picture."    

Example: Even though we all have very specific tasks to do, our manager makes sure we see the big picture.




3. Blue collar 藍領階級的、勞力的

Meaning: A "blue collar worker" is someone who works with his hands (manufacturing, construction, maintenance, etc.).

Example: It's a blue collar town with a lot of farmers and factory workers.


4. White collar 白領階級的、勞心的

Meaning: A white collar worker is someone who works in an office (customer service, management, sales, etc.). "White collar" (and "blue collar") can also be used to describe a job, position, or a place. 

Example: The economic recession has put many white-collar workers in danger of losing their jobs.

P.S. 還有 Red, Pink, Green, Gold, Gray, Open collar,來瞧瞧這些顏色代表的人才



5. Get the ball rolling 開始進行

Meaning: To "get the ball rolling" means to start something (a project, for example).  

Example: We need to get the ball rolling on this project. The deadline is in June, and it's already April.




6. Go the extra mile 比期望付出更多

Meaning: To "go the extra mile" means to do more than what people expect.    

Example: We go the extra mile for our customers.




7. In the black 有盈餘

Meaning: If a company is "in the black," it means that it is making a profit.      

Example: We're not having a great year, but at least we're in the black.


8. In the red 赤字;虧損

Meaning: If a company is "in the red," it means that is not profitable and is operating at a loss.       

Example: When I started my own business, we were in the red for the first two years. We didn't see a profit until the third year.




9. On the same page 達成共識

Meaning: If two people are "on the same page," they are in agreement about something.   

Example: Let's go over the details of what we agreed on to make sure we're on the same page.


10. Get down to business 進入正題

Meaning: Stop making small talk and start talking about serious business topics         .

Example: Now that everyone's here, let's get down to business and start with the presentation.


Are you always ready to go the extra mile for your company?



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但是你知道嗎?哈佛大學在1960年代延攬Fred Glimp 擔任招生部主任,當時他們就實行「快樂的四分之一」政策(happy-bottom-quarter)。要仔細看一下英文喔!有一部分是中文沒有翻出來的。原來他們不只要找快樂的四分之一,而且他們要的是「底部的」四分之一!也就是說,他們會尋找成績並不怎麼優秀、甚至是墊底四分之一的學生。是真的!這個政策詳述於Jerome Karabel: The Chosen 這本書,現在你馬上就可以Googlehappy-bottom-quarter」這個字詞,你會發現他們這個政策甚至沿用至今。




首先,是源自於一項驚人的數據調查。我們知道美國的大學生有不少人為了自己的未來選擇STEM課程,STEM就是Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics的縮寫,擁有STEM學位幾乎保障自己在科技業有更好的工作及前途。然而STEM課程的艱深也讓許多人在大二之後知難而退。從一所三流大學H大學的資料看來,入學時數學成績位於後段班(三分之一)的學生只有17.8%完成STEM學位。






另一個例子是,你認為自殺率高的國家都是那些民眾看起來很富足開心的國家,如北歐國家,還是那些看起來戰亂頻仍、貧窮不堪的國家?答案是富足的國家!在「屎坑國家」中你若有不如意的事,看起來有許多人跟你一樣;但是在一個人人都掛著笑容的國家,心情不好的你便顯得無依無靠了!這就是「相對的剝奪感」(relative deprivation)。不管你的生活多麼無憂無慮,只要看到Facebook上面的朋友出遊的歡笑容顏,就夠你憂鬱的了!這就是相對剝奪感。為了避免相對的剝奪感,哈佛大學從1960年代便意識到,錄取一些成績較差的學生,會讓一般的哈佛大學生意識到自己與一般人相比依舊是頂尖程度。













source: http://www.sohu.com/a/148866842_133118







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猜猜看這 10 個慣用語的意思,讓你的英文表達變得更生動活潑!


1) When Pigs Fly 比喻不可能發生的事

Meaning - whatever you are discussing will never happen.

When pigs fly 字面上的意思為「當豬會飛」,大家都吃過香腸,看過豬睡覺,但應該沒看過豬在空中飛吧?所以When pigs fly 就用來比喻不可能發生的事,通常帶有嘲笑或挖苦的意味。相似用法有 Pigs might fly. (豬可能會飛)、When pigs have wings. (豬長出翅膀時) 或 When hell freezes over(地獄結冰時)。

Example - Yea, right! You will get Justin Bieber to ask you on a date when pigs fly!


2) Be barking up the wrong tree 找錯人;找錯門

Meaning – Looking in the wrong place/accusing the wrong person.

美國人剛到美洲大陸時,經歷過砍樹、打獵的開荒時代,追趕獵物時,會帶著獵犬,追捕逃到樹上的動物。但難免有失誤的時侯,獵犬聞錯味道或是看錯,就會對著什麼也沒有的樹狂吠,因此「be barking up the wrong tree」就引申為「找錯人」或「找錯門」。

Example – The detective was barking up the wrong tree and wasn’t able to find the criminal.


3) Kick the bucket 死掉、翹辮子

Meaning - to die

字面義是踢桶子,為麼踢桶子是死掉的意思呢?其中一個解釋為人上吊自殺時會放個桶子在地上把自己墊高,即將斷氣時會把桶子踢開,可以想像這個畫面吼?! 另一個解釋為 bucket 也有「屋樑」之義,古時農家宰殺牲禽時,通常將繩子綁在牲禽腳上,接著掛在屋樑上。牲禽死前做垂死掙扎,腳不斷踢那根屋樑,因此 kick the bucket 就是指死掉。

注意:kick the bucket 為俚語,通常只用在講自己、可以開玩笑的人,或故事人物,千萬不能用在長輩或尊敬的人。

Example - When I kick the bucket, I don't want a funeral. I want a party!


補充:bucket list 死前必了心願。What are on your bucket list?

電影推薦:The Bucket List 一路玩到掛


4) Get on like a house on fire 情投意合;一拍即合 

Meaning – have a very good relationship with someone.


Example – When we first met, we got on like a house on fire.


5) On the tip of my tongue 話到嘴邊 (一時想不起來)

Meaning - when you just can't remember something.

On the tip of my tongue 直譯是「在我的舌尖上」,實際要表達的意思話在嘴邊,但一下子想不起來了,真懊惱!

Example - Do you remember the name of the movie we watched yesterday? It is on the tip of my tongue.


6) Put a sock in it 請人住/閉嘴

Meaning - to ask someone to be quiet.

傳說古人會用襪子塞入任何嘈雜的東西裡,如留聲機太吵,就塞襪子進留聲機口。如果哪時候你的朋友或弟妹很吵鬧,安擾你工作或讀書,你就可以邊說 Put a sock in it,同時把襪子塞到他的嘴巴裡 L 這是比較不禮貌的用法 lol

Example - Jane was yelling while I was studying, so I told her to put a sock in it.


7) Cost an arm and a leg 昂貴的代價

Meaning - to be very expensive


Example - I bought a new car yesterday. It's great, but it cost an arm and a leg.


8) Drink like a fish 豪飲;(慣性)飲酒過度

Meaning - to drink a lot of alcohol

這裡的 drink 指的是喝含酒精的飲品,用「像金魚一樣的喝」指猛灌酒、豪飲。喝太多酒隔天起來 宿醉 (hangover) 就滿痛苦的。

Example - It was his birthday, so he drank like a fish.


9) Fall/get off the back of a lorry/truck 買來路不明或別人偷來轉賣的東西

Meaning - To buy something that was probably stolen.

原來從貨車後面掉下來 “fell off the back of a lorry” 是英語中的委婉用語,其真正的意思是買來路不明的東西,甚至可能是偷來的東西!你用兩千台幣就買到一台全新的iPhone X,別人好奇地問,怎麼這麼便宜,你說I got/fell it off the back of the truck. 意思就是,買了別人偷來的iPhone X,才這麼便宜。而貨車在美式英文中為 truck,lorry 則為英式用法。

Example - The black market was thriving when the war ended. It wasn't difficult to find all sorts of things off the back of a lorry.


10) Bob's your Uncle 就是這麼簡單,你做的完全正確

Meaning - everything's OK/perfect

這個俚語源自於英國首相兼外交大臣Robert "Bob" Cecil,他最大的功績為為大英帝國擴展版圖,但卻利用裙帶關係,指派自己的親戚到不同的政府機構工作,所有靠 Roger的關係進入政壇、取得工作的人一路平步青雲。因此,Bob's your uncle這個俚語就用來形容做事很容易達到目的。

Example - You want to go to the market? Go straight on until you reach the main road, take the first right, and Bob’s your uncle–you’re there!


看完這些俚語的來源和解釋是不是比較容易記的起來?這10俚語之中,小編最喜歡 Put a sock in it 你呢?你還知道那些俚語背後的故事呢?


source: https://www.learn-english-have-fun.com/put-a-sock-in-it.html




EBS美樂英文顧問官網: www.ebs-education.com


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如何能夠讓自己的英文表達變有趣,讓大家都想跟你說話呢?就是使用誇飾法,把話說得跨張一點。小編在美國當交換學生時,就算一整天沒安排特別的活動,單純跟美國朋友聊天就能把我逗樂,因為好多誇張的英文用語都好有趣!有事沒事可以學學外國人說That' s awesome! It's fantastic / fabulous! 或是 It's the best.,英文會越講越自然喔!



1. Something is killing me = it really hurts

當想表達某個東西弄痛你了,就可以說something is killing me,雖然你不是真的被那個東西殺死,但用kill能讓人瞭解你有多痛。

e.g. My shoes are killing me. Blimey!




2. Someone is going to kill (me) = they will be angry / upset


e.g. My flatmate is going to kill me when he sees the broken window.




3. Someone is on fire = unstoppable / on good form

當某人氣勢如虹 (火焰),剛好做某件事連續成功,怎麼樣都煞不了、擋不住,就可以說 someone is on fire。

e.g. Lionel Messi is on fire tonight. Three goals, three assists. What a player.



P.S. Alicia Keys有首歌叫 Girl on Fire,大家可以去聽聽看!




4. Something takes forever = takes a very long time


e.g. This computer takes forever to start.



5. Someone is so hungry he/she could eat a horse = someone is starving

餓到可以吃掉一匹馬,果然超餓。你不可能吃掉一匹馬,但大家會知道你的飢餓 / 暴食指數破表。日本的大胃王可能真的可以吃完用一批馬做成的馬肉大餐?!話說在日本和一些歐洲國家,真的有人在吃馬肉耶!

e.g. I am so hungry I could eat a horse. / I am starving.

我餓到可以吃掉一整批馬 / 我快餓死了!


6. Out of this world = extremely good or impressive


e.g. This ice cream is out of this world!



7. Something is the best in the world.


e.g. For me this is the best view in the world. Look at this. It's amazing.



8. A is adj + er  than B


e.g. That spider is bigger than my head.  這隻蜘蛛比我的頭還大。

It' s hotter than the sun here.  這裡比太陽還要熱。


9. A million times = a lot of times


e.g. I' ve apologized a million times.







Source: Stop Being BORING in English | The 10 Most Amazing English Expressions In The World! !






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1. Peeping Tom

相傳在十一世紀,英格蘭考文垂 (Coventry) 的地方公爵常對市民課重稅,老百姓苦不堪言,便求助於心地善良的公爵夫人Godiva。沒想到公爵竟要求Godiva裸身騎馬繞行街道,才願意減稅 (這公爵腦袋到底裝什麼 L),Godiva為拯救市民便答應了。繞行當天,所有居民都待在家門窗緊閉,只有好色的裁縫師Tom在牆上鑿洞往外一探春光,眼睛立馬瞎掉。peep的意思是窺視,因此,Peeping Tom指的就是偷窺狂。


P.S. Godiva巧克力是由比利時布魯塞爾的巧克力大師 Draps 先生所創立 

e.g. Julia screamed when realizing that she was being spied by a Peeping Tom.


2. Dear John Letter 女生寫給男生的分手信

相傳在二戰時,John是菜市場名,所以很多參與戰爭的軍人都叫做John。那些苦守空閨的女友和妻子按耐不住寂寞的等待,便找新歡兵變,再寫封信給男友和老公一個交代。用 “Dear John”而非較親暱的”Dearest John”、”Dear Johnny” 或 “Darling”,是因為要傳達嚴肅正經的事情,所以用中規中矩的 ”Dear John”。雖然Dear John跟兵變分手有關,但Dear John Letter泛指女生寫給男生的分手信。


P.S. Sparks Nicholas 有本小說是Dear John,有興趣可以看看。http://www.books.com.tw/products/F013977468

e.g. John felt so relieved when receiving a Dear John Letter, for he could not put up with his girlfriend anymore.


3. every Tom, Dick, and Harry 一般人、無名小卒、張三李四

英文中有很多菜市場名,包括Tom、Dick和Harry。英國17世紀的John Owen為最早使用every Tom, Dick, and Harry的人。

e.g. Justin Bieber’s new song is so catchy that every Tom, Dick, and Harry can sing it.


lazy Susan.jpg

4. lazy Susan 餐桌轉盤

Lazy Susan不是懶惰的蘇珊喔,而是在中式餐廳常見的圓形轉盤。誤傳從前一位在餐廳當服務生的Susan,因覺得繞著圓桌上菜麻煩,於是發明轉盤放在桌上,如此一來,客人夾菜和自己上菜都變得方便許多,真是一兼二顧啊!餐桌轉盤的英文原本是dumbwaiter笨、啞侍者,在Lazy Susan被普遍認為是餐桌轉盤後,dumbwaiter就變成餐廳用來送菜上下樓的小型電梯設備 (送餐梯)。但事實上,餐桌轉盤不是Susan發明的,而是民國時期著名的公衛專家伍連德(1879-1960)。


e.g. Lazy Susan is such a brilliant invention! I even made one on my own.



5. Murphy's Law 墨菲定律

墨菲定律是由美國工程師愛德華·墨菲下的論斷,指的是 "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong",凡可能出錯的事必定會出錯,平常沒問題的事,在關鍵時刻就會有問題,例如:有帶傘時沒下雨,沒帶偏偏下豪雨;乖乖去上課教授不點名,卻在翹課時點名。所以,平常我們都要做好最壞的打算,但太出乎意料的壞事真的發生了,也只能去面對。

e.g. Well it is Murphy’s Law. It rains cats and dogs whenever I do not have an umbrella with me.













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(請參考Gabby的發音:8 ways to speak English like an American accent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Q9ItoUF3zI)


1. Stressed Syllable 重音節

兩個音節以上的字都會有重音,把重音節的音發的用力一點、大聲、長一點,非重音節的音發的輕一點,如:American /əˈmerɪkən/,第二個音節的/me/就要加重。


2.  Connected Speech 學習連音技巧

(1) Elision 省略音:

(a) t 和 d 在兩個子音中間時,/t/ 和 /d/ 的音會省略,如: san(d)wich, mos(t) famous

(b) 當 t 夾在一個母音和 n 中間,/t/的音會省略,如:interna(t)ional, den(t)ist


(2) Intrusion 插入音


如:he /j/ asked, do /w/ it, media /r/ attention


(3) Glottal Stop 喉塞音

(a) 當 n, t, 和一個母音連在一起時,/t/ 會變成喉塞音,如:mountain

(b) 兩個 t 和一個母音連在一起時,/t/ 會變成喉塞音,如: button, cotton


(4) don't you 可唸成 dontcha, got you 可唸成 gotcha


(5) 當 t 夾在兩個母音中間,不會發 /t/ 的音,而會變成很輕的 /d/, 如:water, butter


3. r-colored vowel 被 r 緊跟隨的母音

請運用你靈活的舌頭,用力把 /ɝ/, /ɚ/, /ɑ˞/, /ɔ˞/ 的音發出來,

如:turkey, writer, park, war 


4. 使用美式英文用字和句子

(1) 字彙

fall, autumn  (美式, 英式)

faucet, tap

apartment, flat

elevator, lift

diaper, nappy

TV, telly

candy, sweets

take out, take away


(2) 名詞轉動詞

Let' s "google" it.

I can "friend" you on Facebook.


(3) 多用動詞片語

(a) exit, leave --> get out

如:I'll get out when you stop at the traffic lights.

(b) arrive --> get in

如:What time did you get in last night?

(c) start, begin --> get going

如:We'd better get going or we'll be late.


(4) 用語 (可多說右邊的句子)

How are you? --> What' s up?

That' s nice! --> That's cool! That's awesome!




Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Q9ItoUF3zI





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TGIF (Thank god it's Friday!) 全世界的人都在學英文,台灣人常哀嘆沒有全英文的環境可以學習語言,那我們就自己創造吧!小編認為天下沒有白吃的午餐,學習任何東西都沒有捷徑,學英文也是,我們能選擇的是用什麼方式學習。有些人熱愛閱讀英文書籍,有些人是電影迷,在享受閱讀和電影的過程中,英文能力不知不覺提升了。學習之道無他,為熱愛而已。就是這份熱愛,讓我們能堅持做一件事情好久好久。



聽力學習方法:寫Listening Journal聽力練習札記 (可打在Word/寫在筆記本) (小編大學英文聽講課的作業lol)

1. Listening Journal分三部分:(1) summary摘要 (2) voc & phrase & slang & idom 單字、片語、俚語、慣用語 (3) reflection/critique 觀賞心得/評論






2. 如果時間允許,影片可以看三遍(到五遍)。第一遍,關字幕,邊聽邊作筆記,打/寫下關鍵字詞,大概可以聽懂六成;第二遍,開字幕,可以聽懂九成,並且把新單字、片語、俚語所在整個句子打在Word/寫在筆記本裡*;第三遍,開關字幕由你決定,可以模仿影片中的說話者講英文,他說一句,你可以按暫停,跟著說一句,再繼續。





1. 英文教學/學習頻道


(1) 阿滴英文  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeo3JwE3HezUWFdVcehQk9Q

Ray Du和妹妹滴妹小時候在新加坡長大,兄妹倆都念輔仁大學英文系,因熱愛英語教學、熱愛分享和與人互動,所以創立「阿滴英文」的頻道。阿滴和滴妹非常有趣幽默,影片內容超實用超生活化。小編最喜愛的系列是【超難翻譯成英文的中文】和【10句常用英文】。小編參加過他們的現場演講,他們真的超有活力又親切!


(2) JR Lee Radio  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH1jieeP7Ecpo4s-pPT9FWQ

曾經擔任過ICRT的DJ,他的聲音跟Joseph Lin一樣非常好聽。JR是位基督徒,說話非常真誠,因此他的影片充滿了正能量也很有啟發性。小編最愛的系列是【好歌學英文Positive Tunes】。他唱”Something Just Like This”超好聽的!


(3) EnglishLessons4U - Learn English with Ronnie! [engVid]  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4cmBAit8i_NJZE8qK8sfpA

"engVid"頻道裡的英文老師全部都是英文母語人士,小編最愛的老師是來自加拿大的Ronnie lol 她很有舞台魅力,說話超級逗趣,也會分享加拿大的文化。我想她影片最大特色是有一些令人害羞的主題 lol Ronnie is super duper hilarious!!


(4) Voicetube  https://tw.voicetube.com/



2. 綜合頻道

(1) TED  https://www.ted.com/



Celeste Headlee: 10 ways to have a better conversation


Laura Vanderkam: How to gain control of your free time



(2) Ted-Ed  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsooa4yRKGN_zEE8iknghZA



(3) AsapSCIENCE  https://www.youtube.com/user/AsapSCIENCE

"As soon as possible SCIENCE"的講者說話速度非常快,生活化的科學性主題居然讓國高中自然科分數都悽慘無比的小編愛上這個頻道。


(4) The School of Life  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7IcJI8PUf5Z3zKxnZvTBog

"The School of Life"由英國作家Alain de Botton創立,Alain致力於幫助大家更認識自我、情緒和人與人的關係。影片拋出的問題和主題很生活化,Alain會帶你用歷史和心理學更認識人。小編大推【Self】和【Relationships】系列的影片。


(5) Marie Forleo  https://www.youtube.com/user/marieforleo



"Make Better Decisions: 3 Steps To Decide What's Right For You”

"Brene Brown: Braving The Wilderness & How We Can Belong to Each Other & Ourselves”


(6) Clothesencounters  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgWfS_47YPVbKx5EK4FLm4A

"Hey it's your girl Jenn”小編近期火熱追蹤的韓裔美國籍YouTuber Jenn喜愛與大家分享美妝與穿搭。小編最愛看她【Vlog】和【Crucial Convos】系列的影片,她在美國多采多姿的生活真的很令人嚮往,小編很喜歡Jenn開朗、自信的個性,和她對生活、對身為一位YouTuber的熱情。看她的影片可以學到很多很棒的英文用字,還有加州年輕人的用語。I feel "stoked" whenever I watch Jenn's videos!


希望大家都可以透過有趣的YouTube影片,邊作筆記邊長長久久的學英文喔!Go Go!! 





EBS美樂英文顧問官網: www.ebs-education.com


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【HOW-語言交換資源 (自備筆記本&手機錄音)】






1. 面對面語言交換:到各大學的國語中心布告欄貼徵求語言交換夥伴的貼文。




2. Italkie網站 (Free)



Link: https://www.italki.com/partners


3. APP: tandem (雙人腳踏車的意思) (Free)


 tandem是語言交換APP,對話框內有翻譯和校正,也有視訊和通話功能,在那裏可以交到想學習各種語言的朋友,也可以給予語言交換的朋友評價。Link: https://www.tandem.net/


4. APP: Hello Talk (Free)


Hello Talk和tandem相似,但它多了Po文功能,讓大家都能留言回應你分享的故事和問的問題,互動指數滿分。

Link: https://hellotalk.com/


5. APP: Couchsurfing



Link: http://www.couchsurfing.com/about/mobile/






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